#2 Same Side Elbow Sleeve Grip Self defense technique (Ho Sin Sool) for Cho Dans: Sleeve-Elbow Same Side #2 performed by Technical Advisory Committee Member Daymon Kenyon assisted by Master Craig Haye...
#4 Same Side Elbow Sleeve Grip Self defense technique (Ho Sin Sool) for Cho Dans: Sleeve-Elbow Same Side #4 performed by Technical Advisory Committee Member Daymon Kenyon assisted by Master Craig Haye...
#1 - #4 Cross Elbow Sleeve Grips (Ho Shin Sool) performed by Technical Advisory Committee Members: Daymon Kenyon Sa Bom Nim and Josh Lockwood Sa Bom Nim.
This basic combination combines an inside-to-outside middle low block (performed in a back stance) followed by a reverse high punch (performed in a front sta...
This basic combination combines an inside-to-outside middle low block (performed in a back stance) followed by a reverse high punch (performed in a front sta...
#1 Wrist Cross Hand Grip Self defense (Ho Sin Sool) techniques for White Belts: Cross Wrist Grip number 1 (Il Bon) Performed by Technical Advisory Committee Member Daymon Kenyon Sa Bom Nim and Craig H...
#3 Cross Hand Wrist Grip Self defense (Ho Sin Sool) techniques for Green Belts: Cross Wrist Grip number 3 (Sam Bon) Performed by Technical Advisory Committee Member Daymon Kenyon Sa Bom Nim and Sa Bom...
#4 Cross Hand Wrist Grip Self defense (Ho Sin Sool) techniques for Green Belts: Cross Wrist Grip number 4 (Sa Bon) Performed by Technical Advisory Committee Member Daymon Kenyon Sa Bom Nim and Sa Bom ...
This basic combination combines a double- fist low block (performed in a front stance), then weight shifts into a back stance as both hands are drawn into ch...
This basic combination combines a double- fist low block (performed in a front stance), then weight shifts into a back stance as both hands are drawn into ch...
#4 Same Side Lower Sleeve Grip Self defense technique (Ho Sin Sool) for Cho Dans: Lower Straight Sleeve Grip number 4 performed by Technical Advisory Committee Member Daymon Kenyon assisted by Master ...
Teaching video focusing on front leg kicking with emphasis on the Key Concept of Chong Shin Tong Il - Concentration - The practical application of techniques is sparring.
Yunuen (Mimi) Singh (DB 46627), Sa Dan Candidate
White Belt Sparring Combination #1
Instructor: Sa Bom Nim George Hoffmeister
School: Edelweiss Korean Karate
During anniversary of the Moo Duk Kwan celebration in Korea, the present Kwan Jang Nim HC Hwang demonstrates a sparring combination to attendees. Many thanks to Master Jeff Gross for providing this vi...
During anniversary of the Moo Duk Kwan celebration in Korea, the present Kwan Jang Nim HC Hwang demonstrates a sparring combination to attendees. Many thanks to Master Jeff Gross for providing this vi...
This basic combination combines a high block (performed in a back stance) followed by a reverse middle punch (performed in a front stance) with ki hap.
This basic combination combines a high block (performed in a back stance) followed by a reverse middle punch (performed in a front stance) with ki hap.
This seminar is sponsored by DeJohnette Martial Arts Academy and Evolution Soo Bahk Do. The content of this class will include technical analyses of sparring techniques and basic forms. Additional c...
#1-#4 Same Side Sleeve Elbow Grips (Ho Sin Sool / Ho Shin Sool) performed by Technical Advisory Committee Members: Daymon Kenyon Sa Bom Nim and Josh Lockwood Sa Bom Nim.