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Turn To Prepare 0

Turn To Prepare

Turn To Prepare
Tiny Tots Belt 1 0

Tiny Tots Belt 1

Tiny Tots Belt 1
Tiny Tots Belt 2 0

Tiny Tots Belt 2

Tiny Tots Belt 2
Assistant Instructor Certification (Jo Kyo) 0

Assistant Instructor Certification (Jo Kyo)

Assistant Instructor (Jo Kyo) Certification
Instructor Certification (Kyo Sa) 0

Instructor Certification (Kyo Sa)

Instructor (Kyo Sa) Certification
Master Instructor Certification (Sa Bom) 0

Master Instructor Certification (Sa Bom)

Master Instructor (Sa Bom) Certification
Wilton Bennett 1

Wilton Bennett

Wilton Bennett Sa Bom Nim featured on 2007 Hu Kyun In calendar
Belt Rank Atom 150x150 0

Belt Rank Atom 150x150

150x150 Rank belts in atom configuration with Moo symbol in center
Belt Rank Atom 441x441 0

Belt Rank Atom 441x441

441x441 Rank belts in atom configuration with Moo symbol in center
Welcome To 2007 Ko Dan Ja Shim Sa 0

Welcome To 2007 Ko Dan Ja Shim Sa

2007 Ko Dan Ja Shim Sa Welcome Banner Camp Oakbridge, Ramona, Ca
Puerto Rico Soo Bahk Do 2003 0

Puerto Rico Soo Bahk Do 2003

Town of Manati, Saturday Class
Puerto Rico Moo Duk Kwan 0

Puerto Rico Moo Duk Kwan

Mr. Rosado 4th Dan Tang Soo Do Moo Duk Kwan promotion in Manati -March 2005
Puerto Rico Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan Federation 0

Puerto Rico Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan Federation

December 1997- Kwan Jang Nim H. C. Hwang Visit to Puerto Rico
Atlanta Region 4 Visit October 2010 0

Atlanta Region 4 Visit October 2010

Meeting with Region 4 to start the connection
Puerto Rico Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan 0

Puerto Rico Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan

Sa Bom Nim Seiberlich Visit to Puerto Rico January 2010
Puerto Rico Moo Duk Kwan December 2011 0

Puerto Rico Moo Duk Kwan December 2011

Kyo Sa Nim John Lynch and E-Dan William Betancourt
Puerto Rico Moo Duk Kwan December 2011 0

Puerto Rico Moo Duk Kwan December 2011

Jo Kyo Julio Caraballo Cho dan
My First Photo In 1969 With My Dan Pin 0

My First Photo In 1969 With My Dan Pin

I think this was a day after receiving my dan ID card and Pin
Mr. Vincent Nunno 0

Mr. Vincent Nunno

One of the original East Villiage Karate instructors, another original instructor of mine. The photo you see above is from Black Belt magazine, where he was highlighted as a Moo Duk Kwan instructor. ...
Mr. Robert Sohn, Original Owner Of Five Towns Karate Center 0

Mr. Robert Sohn, Original Owner Of Five Towns Karate Center

One of my original instructors.
As one of my original instructors, it is only fitting that this memorial honor one of the New York Pioneers of Tang Soo Do (Soo Bahk Do) Moo Duk Kwan. On the left, a ...
Mr. Mike Masley And Me Free Sparring 0

Mr. Mike Masley And Me Free Sparring

This was at St. Rita's Church in Queens, NY where we held classes, 1969-70
Mr. Bonefont And Mr. Masley 1

Mr. Bonefont And Mr. Masley

We posed for this picture which was to become part of an ad, 1969-1970.
Five Towns Karate Center 0

Five Towns Karate Center

5 Towns Karate students, Dominic and Dan Segarra
Mr. Aaron Adams And Mr. Roberto Bonefont, Sr., Free Sparring At KofC Demo In Brooklyn, NY 1970 0

Mr. Aaron Adams And Mr. Roberto Bonefont, Sr., Free Sparring...

K of C Demo Brooklyn, NY 1970, that's me on the floor defending during free sparring demo. Whenever I sparred with Mr. Adams, I found myself on the floor alot. But I learned how to fight from the gr...
Photo Used To Attract Students To A Tang Soo Do Class At Buchel AB, Germany 0

Photo Used To Attract Students To A Tang Soo Do Class At Buc...

David Bomberger was a fellow Security Policeman who worked with me and one of my students to sign up in Germany.
This Is Me Teaching In A Military Abandoned Office, I Had About 10 Teenage Students Who Wanted To Train. 0

This Is Me Teaching In A Military Abandoned Office, I Had Ab...

The class lasted about a year, it became more of a self defense class, since I didn't have a direct line of comm with Korea, I couldn't issue certificates.

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