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William Smith — Moo Duk Kwan International Virtual Competition 2:50 0

William Smith — Moo Duk Kwan International Virtual Competi...

Event: Moo Duk Kwan International Virtual Competition
Competitor: William Smith
Division: Sam Dans (Hyung)
Hyung: Yuk Ro Sam Dan - Po Wol
Chil Sung Form 3  (Chil Sung Sam Ro Hyung) 2:04 2

Chil Sung Form 3 (Chil Sung Sam Ro Hyung)

Chil Sung - Song Form 3 (Chil Sung Sam Ro Hyung) for Red Belts. Performed by Kwan Jang Nim H.C. Hwang
Gerrard Marmor — Moo Duk Kwan International Virtual Competition 1:42 0

Gerrard Marmor — Moo Duk Kwan International Virtual Compet...

Event: Moo Duk Kwan International Virtual Competition
Competitor: Gerrard Marmor
Division: Sam Dans (Hyung)
Hyung: Sip Soo
Wrist Grab "#8" - Lower Same Side Sleeve #1 0:15 0

Wrist Grab "#8" - Lower Same Side Sleeve #1

Ho Shin Sool Lower Same Side Sleeve Grip Ill bon
Red Sparring Combination 3 (Dae Ryun Cho Hap Sam Bon) 0:26 0

Red Sparring Combination 3 (Dae Ryun Cho Hap Sam Bon)

Sparring combination (Dae Ryun Cho Hap) for Red Belts: Number 3 (Sam Bon) Performed by Technical Advisory Committee Members: Daymon Kenyon, Sa Bom Nim Craig Hays,Sa Bom Nim
Form 7: Pyong Ahn Sam Dan 1:09 0

Form 7: Pyong Ahn Sam Dan

By the count for Pyong Ahn Sam Dan.
The Song of The Thirteen Influences 9:06 6

The Song of The Thirteen Influences

Unique historical film by Perry Areaipour Sa Bom Nim of Founder Hwang Kee's 1st introduction of The Song of The Thirteen Influences (Ship Sam Seh) in U.S. Lakewood, Ca.
Jarrad Fong — Moo Duk Kwan International Virtual Competition 3:17 0

Jarrad Fong — Moo Duk Kwan International Virtual Competiti...

Event: Moo Duk Kwan International Virtual Competition
Competitor: Jarrad Fong
Division: Sam Dans (Hyung)
Hyung: Chil Sung Sa Ro Hyung
Chris Alderton — Moo Duk Kwan International Virtual Competition 1:53 0

Chris Alderton — Moo Duk Kwan International Virtual Compet...

Event: Moo Duk Kwan International Virtual Competition
Competitor: Chris Alderton
Division: Sam Dans (Hyung)
Hyung: Sip Soo
Gi Cho Hyung Sam Bu - Side Block and Side Punch 8:09 0

Gi Cho Hyung Sam Bu - Side Block and Side Punch

Side Punches and Side Block Drills to assist with Gi Cho Hyung Sam Bu
Samuel Lauer Kyo Sa Teaching 1 23:27 0

Samuel Lauer Kyo Sa Teaching 1

Kyo Sa Samuel Lauer KDJSS Teaching Video
Hyuk Youn Kwon Teaches Sam Soo Sik Clinic Fundraiser 1 1:48 1

Hyuk Youn Kwon Teaches Sam Soo Sik Clinic Fundraiser 1

#1 Hyuk Youn Kwon Sa Bom Nim Teaches three step sparring (Sam Soo Sik) at Western Connecticut SBD Tournament June 7, 2014 Ridgefield, CT as part of the Soo Bahk Do Foundation Fundraising.
Philosophy: Song of The Ship Sam Seh 1:44:43 1

Philosophy: Song of The Ship Sam Seh

Live seminar with ambient sounds. Students gain in depth insights into the philosophy and application of the Song of the Ship Sam Seh as taught by Hu Kyun In member and former Technical Advisory Commi...
Hyuk Youn Kwon Sam Soo Sik 2 15:21 0

Hyuk Youn Kwon Sam Soo Sik 2

#2 Hyuk Youn Kwon SBN Teaches three step sparring (Sam Soo Sik) at Western Connecticut Soo Bahk Do Tournament June 7, 2014 Ridgefield, CT
Hyuk Youn Kwon Sam Soo Sik 3 0:36 0

Hyuk Youn Kwon Sam Soo Sik 3

#3 Hyuk Youn Kwon SBN Teaches three step sparring (Sam Soo Sik)at Western Connecticut Soo Bahk Do Tournament June 7, 2014 Ridgefield, CT
Hyuk Youn Kwon Sam Soo Sik 4 2:46 0

Hyuk Youn Kwon Sam Soo Sik 4

#4 Hyuk Youn Kwon SBN Teaches three step sparring (Sam Soo Sik) at Western Connecticut Soo Bahk Do Tournament June 7, 2014 Ridgefield, CT
Ki Cho Hyung Sam Bu Detailed Instruction By Josh Duncan Sa Bom Nim 8:09 1

Ki Cho Hyung Sam Bu Detailed Instruction By Josh Duncan Sa B...

This is an example At Home Class Video providing detailed guidance for Ki Cho Hyung Sam Bu By Josh Duncan Sa Bom Nim
Hyuk Youn Kwon Sam Soo Sik 5 0:15 0

Hyuk Youn Kwon Sam Soo Sik 5

#5 Hyuk Youn Kwon Sa Bom Nim Teaches three step sparring (Sam Soo Sik) at Western Connecticut Soo Bahk Do Tournament June 7, 2014 Ridgefield, CT
Chil Sung Form 3 (Chil Sung Sam Ro Hyung) 2:04 1

Chil Sung Form 3 (Chil Sung Sam Ro Hyung)

1st (Cho) Dan requirement Chil Sung - Song Form 3(Chil Sung Sam Ro Hyung)
Jeffrey Guilmet — Moo Duk Kwan International Virtual Competition 3:04 0

Jeffrey Guilmet — Moo Duk Kwan International Virtual Compe...

Event: Moo Duk Kwan International Virtual Competition
Competitor: Jeffrey Guilmet
Division: Sam Dans (Hyung)
Hyung: Chil Sung Sa Ro Hyung
TAC Tour Sam Soo Sik Dae Ryun Reflections 6:11 0

TAC Tour Sam Soo Sik Dae Ryun Reflections

Animoto Video highlighting the Sam Soo Sik Dae Ryun TAC Tour in Region 2 2010
TAC Tour 2011 Um/Yang Philosophy Sam Soo Sik Intro 22:21 0

TAC Tour 2011 Um/Yang Philosophy Sam Soo Sik Intro

TAC Tour 2011, introduction of the Sam Soo Sik Dae Ryun and the use of the Um/Yang Philosophy.
TAC Tour 2010 2:41 0

TAC Tour 2010

Chang SBN teaching the sam soo sik
Chil Sung Form 3 (Chil Sung Sam Ro Hyung) for Red Belts 2nd Gup 2:04 0

Chil Sung Form 3 (Chil Sung Sam Ro Hyung) for Red Belts 2nd ...

2nd Gup Red Belts - Chil Sung - Song Form 3 (Chil Sung Sam Ro Hyung)
Knife Defense 3 - Dhando Sam Bon 1:19 0

Knife Defense 3 - Dhando Sam Bon

Knife Defense (Dhando) performed by Technical Advisory Committee Members: Daymon Kenyon Sa Bom Nim and Josh Lockwood Sa Bom Nim.
Tim Rupert KDJSS 2015-1 27:01 0

Tim Rupert KDJSS 2015-1

Theme of Shin Chook in Jok Gi, feeling the "Chook" action when retracting the kick and recovering balance. Using a Ga Ten Bal Cha Gi target drill to strike two different targets using prope...
Blake Gilner — Moo Duk Kwan International Virtual Competition 3:26 0

Blake Gilner — Moo Duk Kwan International Virtual Competit...

Event: Moo Duk Kwan International Virtual Competition
Competitor: Blake Gilner
Division: Sam Dans (Hyung)
Hyung: Chil Sung Sa Ro Hyung
Edward Harrison — Moo Duk Kwan International Virtual Competition 4:05 0

Edward Harrison — Moo Duk Kwan International Virtual Compe...

Event: Moo Duk Kwan International Virtual Competition
Competitor: Edward Harrison
Division: Sam Dans (Hyung)
Hyung: Chil Sung Sa Ro Hyung
Eric Chung — Moo Duk Kwan International Virtual Competition 2:30 0

Eric Chung — Moo Duk Kwan International Virtual Competitio...

Event: Moo Duk Kwan International Virtual Competition
Competitor: Eric Chung
Division: Sam Dans (Hyung)
Hyung: Chil Sung Sa Ro Hyung

133 results found.


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