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1989 Demonstration In Korea 59:59 2

1989 Demonstration In Korea

soo bahk do demonstration in Seoul, South Korea in 1989, Tang Soo Do at the time, but if you'll notice, in Korea the banner above the stage says Soo Bahk Do.
Virtual Martial Arts 0

Virtual Martial Arts

I enjoy teaching Soo Bahk Do to my students online. Zoom technology makes this level of instruction easy and accessible to a great many people, who otherwis...
Soo Bahk Do Nationals 2007 - Sparring #05 2:42 0

Soo Bahk Do Nationals 2007 - Sparring #05

Sam Dan Men 46 .
Pyung Ahn Ee Dan - Nationals 2008 1:32 0

Pyung Ahn Ee Dan - Nationals 2008

Martial arts Form at Soo Bahk Do National 2008 San Diego
2009 Soo Bahk Do Nationals Sam Dan Men Sparring 3:15 0

2009 Soo Bahk Do Nationals Sam Dan Men Sparring

Mr James Jessup sparring at the 2009 Nationals in San Diego
Kyo Sa Nim James Menkhaus - Kong San Koon 1:40 0

Kyo Sa Nim James Menkhaus - Kong San Koon

Kyo Sa Nim James Menkhaus performing Kong San Koon at the Region 5 Soo bahk Do Moo Duk kwan Tournament in Novi, MI.
soobahkdoinstitute ad 1 7:22 1

soobahkdoinstitute ad 1

a paid subscriber service from the US Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan Federation, Inc. Studio Owners and federation members received great discounts on subscription service. Valid to any serious student or...
Soo Bahk Do Demo 3 0:27 0

Soo Bahk Do Demo 3

Defensa contra cuchillo demo en Buenos Aires , self defense against knife, Buenos Aires
CNN Coverage of Golden Years Soo Bahk Do 2:51 0

CNN Coverage of Golden Years Soo Bahk Do

CNN Coverage of Jean Duncan's Golden Years Soo Bahk Do class at Leisure Lodge nursing home in Henderson, Texas
Subscribe to the Soo Bahk Do Institute, it's worth it! 5:04 1

Subscribe to the Soo Bahk Do Institute, it's worth it!

Subscribe to the Soo Bahk Do Institute, it's worth it!
Region 9 129th Dan Shim Sa and Clinic - Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan 8:05 0

Region 9 129th Dan Shim Sa and Clinic - Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk ...

Region 9 129th Dan Shim Sa in Goleta (Santa Barbara), California. Saturday April 21, 2012. Photography by Karen Kent
soo bahk do 1:57 0

soo bahk do

soo bahk do
soo bahk do 1:57 0

soo bahk do

soo bahk do
Soo Bahk Do Nationals - Hyung #1 2:21 0

Soo Bahk Do Nationals - Hyung #1

Soo Bahk Do Nationals - Hyung #1
Soo Bahk Do Institute Introduction 1:48 2

Soo Bahk Do Institute Introduction

Soo Bahk Do Institute Introduction
Physics and Philosophy of Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan 3:27 0

Physics and Philosophy of Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan

Kwan Jang Nim explaining Physics and Philosophy of Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan.
4th Annual Connecticut State Soo Bahk Do Championships 1 1:2:14 0

4th Annual Connecticut State Soo Bahk Do Championships 1

4th Annual Connecticut State Soo Bahk Do Championships
4th Annual Connecticut State Soo Bahk Do Championships 2 1:10:58 0

4th Annual Connecticut State Soo Bahk Do Championships 2

4th Annual Connecticut State Soo Bahk Do Championships
4th Annual Connecticut State Soo Bahk Do Championships 3 1:16:29 0

4th Annual Connecticut State Soo Bahk Do Championships 3

4th Annual Connecticut State Soo Bahk Do Championships
4th Annual Connecticut State Soo Bahk Do Championships 4 9:00 0

4th Annual Connecticut State Soo Bahk Do Championships 4

4th Annual Connecticut State Soo Bahk Do Championships
4th Annual Connecticut State Soo Bahk Do Championships 5 13:27 0

4th Annual Connecticut State Soo Bahk Do Championships 5

4th Annual Connecticut State Soo Bahk Do Championships
TAC Tour 2010 2:41 0

TAC Tour 2010

Chang SBN teaching the sam soo sik
Testing back in 0:15 0

Testing back in

It feels great to be home!
Adult Team Hyung Region 5 2:00 0

Adult Team Hyung Region 5

Lemner's Soo Bahk Do Adult Hyung (form) Team for 2008. We competed at our Regional tournament against another team for a spot at Nationals. We didn't advance, but the team that beat us took 1st overal...
Soo Bahk Do Featured on Korea's Global TV Ariang 5:50 1

Soo Bahk Do Featured on Korea's Global TV Ariang

Soo Bahk Do Featured on Korea's Global TV Ariang

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