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Basic Form 1 0:47 0

Basic Form 1

Former TKD blackbelt, current SBD white belt. Trying to learn the new style. This is my first attempt at Ki Cho Hyung Il Bu, with not feedback or corrections.
Peet Cha Gi - Free Break 0:24 0

Peet Cha Gi - Free Break

Frank Tsai (32700)
Breaking demo at 132nd Korean Soo Bahk Do Association Dan Shim Sa at Central Do Jang Seoul, Korea

Peet Cha Gi - Free break 2x boards
Building The Dojang 2:24 4

Building The Dojang

So You Wanna START Something? Watch This! Anacortes Soo Bahk Do first lived in the imagination of Andy and Colette Arvidson until they took the next step and transformed their imagination into reality...
Amaral Sa Bom Nim is recognized by local Law Enforcement at the Tournament. Perusse Sa Bom Nim's breaking demo. 4:55 0

Amaral Sa Bom Nim is recognized by local Law Enforcement at ...

Amaral Sa Bom Nim was recently involved in detaining a parolee who had attempted to car-jack a vehicle at gunpoint. Perusse Sa Bom Nim also demonstrates Sal Chu Hyung and breaking.
Mobile Keyword Part 1 of 2 3:16 0

Mobile Keyword Part 1 of 2

Part 1 of 2 tutorial video about how to configure mobile keywords on the Soo Bahk Do Messaging platform at www.sbdmdk,com FREE TRIAL does not require a credit card.
Mobile Keywords Part 2 of 2 4:44 0

Mobile Keywords Part 2 of 2

Part 2 of 2 tutorial video about how to configure mobile keywords on the Soo Bahk Do Messaging platform at www.sbdmdk,com FREE TRIAL does not require a credit card.
2010 national moo do festival reflections 7:08 0

2010 national moo do festival reflections

animoto video highlighting the 2010 national moo do festival in Cherry Hill, NJ
Sparring History And Tradition 7:22 0

Sparring History And Tradition

Jennifer Gibbons, Sa Bom Nim USA TAC explains history and tradition attributes that can be integral to Moo Do sparring at 2014 National Festival held in Salt Lake City, Utah
Sip Dan Khum Hyung Preview 0:14 3

Sip Dan Khum Hyung Preview


Translated by Ellison Kim
Interpreted by Craig Hays

Sip = Ten
institute short 1 0:42 1

institute short 1

less than a minute institute short video to support the institute
70th Anniversary Demo Korea (Host Nation) 25 3:14 0

70th Anniversary Demo Korea (Host Nation) 25

Korean Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan Association demonstration by the Host Nation led by
Donggyu Lee, Sa Bom Nim, Designee for Korea 25
Gran Maestro Hwang Kee 6:25 0

Gran Maestro Hwang Kee

nuestro homenaje a este gran maestro
PJ Steyer Breaking Demonstration 3:14 0

PJ Steyer Breaking Demonstration

Steyer Sa Bom Nim, from Region 1 demonstrates hyung and breaking at the Western Connecticut Soo Bahk Do Tournament June 7, 2014 Ridgefield, CT
16th Annual SBDMDK Empire State Tournament 2010 Reflections 3:54 0

16th Annual SBDMDK Empire State Tournament 2010 Reflections

highlighting the 16th annual Empire state tournament
Lemner's Soo Bahk Do School Logo 0:08 1

Lemner's Soo Bahk Do School Logo

Moo Duk Kwan® certified schools can receive a valuable customized video of your school logo like this one or hundreds of other designs simply by requesting it from

KDJ - Kong Sang Koon Hyung 0

KDJ - Kong Sang Koon Hyung

Demonstration of Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan's Eagle Form, Kang Sang Koon Hyung
70th Anniversary Demo 34 13:14 0

70th Anniversary Demo 34

Part 34 Moo Duk Kwan 70th anniversary demonstrations- Ko Dan ja perform Soo Bahk Do Ki Cho, and Kwan Jang Nim H.C. Hwang does a personal performance of Hwa Sun Hyung to pay tribute to his father, Foun...
MDK 70th - Kwan Jang Nim Performs Hwa Sun Hyung 3:19 2

MDK 70th - Kwan Jang Nim Performs Hwa Sun Hyung

Hwa Sun Hyung performed by Kwan Jang Nim H.C. Hwang at the 70th anniversary in Suwon, South Korea. Video provided by Viera Soo Bahk Do, Rodrigo Cruz, Sa bom Nim.
Lomita Park Soo Bahk Do School Logo 0:08 2

Lomita Park Soo Bahk Do School Logo

Moo Duk Kwan® certified schools can receive a valuable customized video of your school logo like this one or hundreds of other designs simply by requesting it from

Karate Demo Team 2012 0

Karate Demo Team 2012

Our Soo Bahk Do Demo Team gave an excellent performance before a live audience at the San Luis Rey Mission's 2012 Christmas in July Celebration.
Karate Demo Team 2012 0

Karate Demo Team 2012

Our Soo Bahk Do Demo Team gave an excellent performance before a live audience at the San Luis Rey Mission's 2012 Christmas in July Celebration.
Camas Soo Bahk Do School Logo 0:08 1

Camas Soo Bahk Do School Logo

Moo Duk Kwan® certified schools can receive a valuable customized video of your school logo like this one or hundreds of other designs simply by requesting it from

40th Anniversary Banquet Schermerhorn SBN 18:49 0

40th Anniversary Banquet Schermerhorn SBN

Frank Schermerhorn SBN students of Winding river Soo Bahk Do perform at his 40th anniversary banquet.
Ko Dan Ja Class with Kwan Jang Nim H.C. Hwang 3:27 1

Ko Dan Ja Class with Kwan Jang Nim H.C. Hwang

Multiple classes in 2005 at Fed Hq with Kwan Jang Nim H.C. Hwang and Ko Dan Ja.
2017 Tomball Soo Bahk Do Demonstration for Competition 1:59 2

2017 Tomball Soo Bahk Do Demonstration for Competition

Tomball Demonstration Team shows the north-south line of Jindo Hyung and the East-West line of Nah Han Ji Hyung. Also included are examples of techniques from the hyung as used for self-defense. 2017
Dan Hyung Competition 11 0:30 0

Dan Hyung Competition 11

#11 Dan hyung competition at Western Connecticut Soo Bahk Do Tournament June 7, 2014 Ridgefield, CT
Karate Demo Team 2013 0

Karate Demo Team 2013

Our Soo Bahk Do Demo Team gave an excellent performance before a live audience at the San Luis Rey Mission's 2013 Christmas in July Celebration.

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