There Is Only One Moo Duk Kwan Host A Virtual Tournament Easy As 1-2-3. Click This Message For More Info
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Wha Young Chung 2

Wha Young Chung

Wha Young Chung Hu Kyun In
DMAA Karate 0

DMAA Karate

Gup test group photo taken on 9/4/2021
DMAA Karate 0

DMAA Karate

Ninja turtles exemplify the YOUNG DRAGONS philosophy
Tang Soo Do Moo Duk Kwan Class 1968 0

Tang Soo Do Moo Duk Kwan Class 1968

My first solo class at local church in Brooklyn, NY 1968. My original instructor, Mr. Mike Masley, would come on Saturday morning to conduct classes and I would teach on Tuesdays and Thursdays on my ...
Anacortes Soo Bahk Do 1

Anacortes Soo Bahk Do

So You Wanna START Something? Watch This!

Anacortes Soo Bahk Do first lived in the imagination of Andy and Collette Arvidson until they took the next step and transformed their imagination into rea...
Mr. Robert Sohn, Original Owner Of Five Towns Karate Center 0

Mr. Robert Sohn, Original Owner Of Five Towns Karate Center

One of my original instructors.
As one of my original instructors, it is only fitting that this memorial honor one of the New York Pioneers of Tang Soo Do (Soo Bahk Do) Moo Duk Kwan. On the left, a ...

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