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Chil Sung Chil Ro Hyung 0

Chil Sung Chil Ro Hyung

Pre-Evaluation For Chil Dan Eligibility
KDJ - Po Wol Hyung 0

KDJ - Po Wol Hyung

Demonstration of Traditional Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan's Embracing Moon form - Po Wol Hyung
E Bon 2020 0

E Bon 2020

Korea's ancient warriors had to master many forms of empty handed combat, wrestling, disarming and defending as well as attacking with the hands, feet, head,...
KDJ - Sip Soo Hyung 0

KDJ - Sip Soo Hyung

Demonstration of Traditional Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan's Bear for, Sip Soo Hyung
Il Bon 2020 0

Il Bon 2020

The first principle in one step sparring is to remove the body from danger, so the student learns to move the body on the 4 cardinal points of the compass (N...
Combination 02 0

Combination 02

This basic combination combines an inside-to-outside middle low block (performed in a back stance) followed by a reverse high punch (performed in a front sta...
Combination 02 0

Combination 02

This basic combination combines an inside-to-outside middle low block (performed in a back stance) followed by a reverse high punch (performed in a front sta...
Combination 05 0

Combination 05

This basic combination combines a double- fist low block (performed in a front stance), then weight shifts into a back stance as both hands are drawn into ch...
Combination 05 0

Combination 05

This basic combination combines a double- fist low block (performed in a front stance), then weight shifts into a back stance as both hands are drawn into ch...
KDJ - Chil Sung Sa Ro Hyung 0

KDJ - Chil Sung Sa Ro Hyung

Demonstration of Chil Sung Sa Ro Hyung; Big Dipper Constellation Star Form 4 of 7
Combination 01 0

Combination 01

This basic combination combines a low block (performed in a back stance) followed by a reverse middle punch (performed in a front stance) with ki hap.
Il Bon 2020 0

Il Bon 2020

The first principle in one step sparring is to remove the body from danger, so the student learns to move the body on the 4 cardinal points of the compass (N...
Combination 01 0

Combination 01

This basic combination combines a low block (performed in a back stance) followed by a reverse middle punch (performed in a front stance) with ki hap.
Combination 03 0

Combination 03

This basic combination combines a high block (performed in a back stance) followed by a reverse middle punch (performed in a front stance) with ki hap.
Combination 03 0

Combination 03

This basic combination combines a high block (performed in a back stance) followed by a reverse middle punch (performed in a front stance) with ki hap.
Women's Self Defense Seminar 0

Women's Self Defense Seminar

Hello, and welcome back! This video is an oldie but goody, and it's still relevant today. I originally posted it back in 2015, and it got some pretty great...
KDJ - Kong Sang Koon Hyung 0

KDJ - Kong Sang Koon Hyung

Demonstration of Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan's Eagle Form, Kang Sang Koon Hyung
Combination 04 0

Combination 04

This basic combination combines a reverse upward elbow strike (performed in a front stance) followed by a cross middle elbow strike (performed in a back stan...
Combination 04 0

Combination 04

This basic combination combines a reverse upward elbow strike (performed in a front stance) followed by a cross middle elbow strike (performed in a back stan...
Karate Demo Team 2012 0

Karate Demo Team 2012

Our Soo Bahk Do Demo Team gave an excellent performance before a live audience at the San Luis Rey Mission's 2012 Christmas in July Celebration.
Karate Demo Team 2012 0

Karate Demo Team 2012

Our Soo Bahk Do Demo Team gave an excellent performance before a live audience at the San Luis Rey Mission's 2012 Christmas in July Celebration.
Karate Demo Team 2013 0

Karate Demo Team 2013

Our Soo Bahk Do Demo Team gave an excellent performance before a live audience at the San Luis Rey Mission's 2013 Christmas in July Celebration.
Choong Ro Hyung 0

Choong Ro Hyung

Pre-Evaluation Chil Dan Eligibility
Peet Cha Gi - Free Break 0:24 0

Peet Cha Gi - Free Break

Frank Tsai (32700)
Breaking demo at 132nd Korean Soo Bahk Do Association Dan Shim Sa at Central Do Jang Seoul, Korea

Peet Cha Gi - Free break 2x boards
Voiceover of First Federation Video 2:12 0

Voiceover of First Federation Video

It was the late 1970's and the decision was made to to film a technical video tape and Kwan Jang Nim would be a performer. He was to perform the basic forms and many other techniques, ki Cho Ki Sul. T...
Mobile Keyword Part 1 of 2 3:16 0

Mobile Keyword Part 1 of 2

Part 1 of 2 tutorial video about how to configure mobile keywords on the Soo Bahk Do Messaging platform at www.sbdmdk,com FREE TRIAL does not require a credit card.
Mobile Keywords Part 2 of 2 4:44 0

Mobile Keywords Part 2 of 2

Part 2 of 2 tutorial video about how to configure mobile keywords on the Soo Bahk Do Messaging platform at www.sbdmdk,com FREE TRIAL does not require a credit card.
Soo Bahk Do Messaging Account Management 1:58 0

Soo Bahk Do Messaging Account Management

Tutorial about how to manage your Soo Bahk Do Messaging Account at FREE TRIAL does not require a credit card.

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