By default any content on your user account that is marked as PRIVATE can only be viewed by those whom you accept a friend request from or who accept your friend request. However, sometimes you may w...
Some have reported that the subscription list is so long it goes off the bottom of their monitor and they have trouble figuring out how to scroll down to see the rest of the subscription list.
Your subscription determines what content you are authorized to upload. All new content uploaded to the Institute is automatically set to private until it is moderated. Once a moderator approves your...
USA Federation members and WMDK practitioners can receive up to 40% Discount on subscriptions when using the special code provided by your Instructors.
Tutorial for using the FOLLOW feature to monitor the Institute for specific content that interests you and be automaticaly notified by email when content meeting your criteria is added to the Institut...
Soo Bahk Do Messaging ( provides a toal communication and marketing solution for your studiop, club, business, etc. that includes email , text messaging, social media and instant messag...
Affiliates of the Soo Bahk Do Institute must have a PayPal account in order to receive commission earnings payments. The FREE Personal PayPal account is all thats required.
Part 2 of 2 tutorial video about how to configure mobile keywords on the Soo Bahk Do Messaging platform at www.sbdmdk,com FREE TRIAL does not require a credit card.
Part 1 of 2 tutorial video about how to configure mobile keywords on the Soo Bahk Do Messaging platform at www.sbdmdk,com FREE TRIAL does not require a credit card.
By default any content on your user account that is marked as PRIVATE can only be viewed by those whom you accept a friend request from or who accept your friend request. However, sometimes you may ...