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KJN H.C. Hwang short presentation on training tips and history of  US Federation leadership 9:50 1

KJN H.C. Hwang short presentation on training tips and histo...

training tips and history of US Federation leadership
regional training nahanchi review and sei shan review bonsignore sbn part 2a 12:09 0

regional training nahanchi review and sei shan review bonsig...

regional training nahanchi review and sei shan review
Region 1 & 2 training with Bonsignore SBN, Charter Member, Part 3 12:11 1

Region 1 & 2 training with Bonsignore SBN, Charter Member, P...

sei shan hyung review and il soo sik warm up exercises
WMDK Young Adult Ko Dan Ja Leaders Project Trailer 0:55 2

WMDK Young Adult Ko Dan Ja Leaders Project Trailer

Video project trailer for WMDK Young Adult Ko Dan Ja Leaders video Project
Moo Duk Kwan Around the World 5:42 6

Moo Duk Kwan Around the World

Short Video to celebrate the 71st Anniversary of the Moo Duk Kwan around the world. A project of the Youth Leadership Symposium in Korea 2016. Edited by Jaime Ambriz from Mexico Moo Duk Kwan.
Moo Duk Kwan Memorial for Robert Shipley, III, Dan Bon 4825, Charter Member and Hu Kyun In 5:16 2

Moo Duk Kwan Memorial for Robert Shipley, III, Dan Bon 4825,...

Robert Shipley, III, Sa bom Nim, passed away on Oct 19, 2016
Region 2 Dan Training 2 7:25 0

Region 2 Dan Training 2

Stinehour SBN, Regional Examiner teaching dan and Ko Dan Ja during Regional training session
Five Moo Do Values Demonstration 21:37 0

Five Moo Do Values Demonstration

MDK HQ students pay tribute to Kwan Jang Nim H.C. Hwang
70th Anniversary Demonstrations Part 1 13:56 1

70th Anniversary Demonstrations Part 1

Demonstrations 70th Anniversary Part 1
70th Anniversary Opening Ceremonies Suwon South Korea 10:59 1

70th Anniversary Opening Ceremonies Suwon South Korea

Short video of the opening ceremonies from various internet postings
70th Anniversary Demos 33 3:45 0

70th Anniversary Demos 33

Part 33 70th anniversary demonstrations
70th Anniversary Demos 31 5:25 0

70th Anniversary Demos 31

Demonstrations at the Moo Duk Kwan 70th anniversary
70th Anniversary Demos 30 4:37 0

70th Anniversary Demos 30

70th anniversary demonstrations 30
70th Anniversary Demo United Kingdom 29 3:33 0

70th Anniversary Demo United Kingdom 29

United Kingdom demonstration at Moo Duk Kwan 7th Anniversary demonstrations
70th Anniversary Demo 34 13:14 0

70th Anniversary Demo 34

Part 34 Moo Duk Kwan 70th anniversary demonstrations- Ko Dan ja perform Soo Bahk Do Ki Cho, and Kwan Jang Nim H.C. Hwang does a personal performance of Hwa Sun Hyung to pay tribute to his father, Foun...
70th Anniversary Demo 32 0:26 0

70th Anniversary Demo 32

70th anniversary demonstrations 32
70th Anniversary Demo Spain 28 5:09 0

70th Anniversary Demo Spain 28

Spain demonstration at Moo Duk Kwan 70th anniversary 28
70th Anniversary Demo Mexico 27 3:23 0

70th Anniversary Demo Mexico 27

Mexico demonstration at the Moo Duk Kwan 70th anniversary demonstrations 27
70th Anniversary Demo Korea (Host Nation) 25 3:14 0

70th Anniversary Demo Korea (Host Nation) 25

Korean Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan Association demonstration by the Host Nation led by
Donggyu Lee, Sa Bom Nim, Designee for Korea 25
70th Anniversary Demo Korea Part 2 26 11:31 1

70th Anniversary Demo Korea Part 2 26

Korea Part 2 Kyo Pa Demo by representatives of the Korean Soo Bahk Do 70th anniversary demonstrations 26
70th Anniversary Demo Iran 24 1:00 0

70th Anniversary Demo Iran 24

Kyo Pa demonstration by representatives from Iran, Mostafa Mahmoudi, Sa Bom Nim is the designee for Iran. 70th anniversary demonstrations 24
70th Anniversary Demo Iceland 23 1:13 0

70th Anniversary Demo Iceland 23

Iceland, Cesar Rodriquez Sa Bom Nim WMDK Designee, 70th Anniversary Demonstration
70th Anniversary Demo France 22 5:11 0

70th Anniversary Demo France 22

France under the leadership of M.Ole, Sa Bom Nim, Designee in France. 70th anniversary demonstrations by representatives.
70th Anniversary Demo Chile 21 4:27 0

70th Anniversary Demo Chile 21

Chile, under the leadership of A.Carrelo, Sa Bom Nim 70th anniversary demonstrations by Team representatives 21
70th Anniversary Demo Australia 20 3:41 0

70th Anniversary Demo Australia 20

Australia under the leadership of K.Glenn, Sa Bom Nim 70th anniversary demonstrations 20
70th Anniversary Demo Argentina Part 3 19 6:41 0

70th Anniversary Demo Argentina Part 3 19

Part 3 Team Argentina under the leadership of F. Blotta, Sa bom Nim, Designee for Argentina 70th Anniversary Demonstration 19

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