A student for 18 years, have been away for a decade. I am a studio owner (Mid-State Soo Bahk Do TA605.I have my Jo Kyo and am studying for my Kyo Sa. \r\n\r\nIn my former studio I taught many studen...
Friends of the Certified Instructor Profile will have access to private videos, audios, images, groups and blogs created specifically for Jo Kyo, Kyo Sa and Sa Bom certified Instructors as such conten...
Friends of the Studio Owner Profile will have access to private videos, audios, images, groups and blogs created specifically for Certifed Studio Owners and Certified Teaching Program Leaders as such ...
The U.S.A. Technical Advisory Committee is established and authorized by the Charter & Bylaws (501c4) of the U.S. Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan Federation.