About Me: I began my training in Tae Kwon Do Moo Duk Kwan in 1987, earning 1st dan in 1992.
Our lineage was handed down from Master Ahn Ye Mo of Dallas TX. I have also earned rank under the Tang Soo Do moniker through another organization. I spent 10 years training in a Jujutsu and Kobudo school in the Boston area (Massachusetts). Recently, I've been attending Filipino martial arts seminars, have practiced some Hapkido and am reconnecting with my original Moo Duk Kwan training, spending much of my time on the Ho-Sin Sul aspect and brushing up on old forms and learning new ones. Also, I'm considering starting a training group. I am very happy to connect with the extended Moo Duk Kwan family.
I spent a decade in the security industry in management and human resources. Currently, I work as a freelance writer.
I am familiar with Master Ye Mo Ahn of Dallas as he was a friend of my original instructor Kyo Sung Chu and Master Ahn attended a number of our tournaments and events as a guest of Master Chu.
Thank you for the warm welcome. It\'s great to connect with someone who remembers Master Ahn. I wish I had been able to make it to TX back then to meet him. Thanks again. And It\'s great to be here.