Lomita Park Soo Bahk Do has had many instructors since the early 1980's. Fred Messersmith Sa Bom Nim, Jerry Nyhus Kyo Sa Nim, and Mr San Pino were the first 3 to teach at this location. Each of thes...
I have a passion for the art of Soo Bahk Do. I started training in the art when I was 10 yrs. old. I am from Dayton, Ohio region 5. I had the honor to train with Master Robert Thompson ( Dan Bon 1791...
The KDJSS Candidate profile provides those who friend this profile with access to private content intended for Ko Dan Ja candidates, such as teaching video submissions for review by TAC.
I am Carlos Moyano; Im from Argentina. Im 4º Dan, Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan. My Dan Bon 35957. My Sa Bom Nim Francisco Blotta (7ºDan) ; My Instructor Sa Bom Nim Hugo Aguirre( 5º Dan)
My Dojan is lo...