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2014 KJN HC Hwang National Festival 2 of 2 6:11 0

2014 KJN HC Hwang National Festival 2 of 2

2 of 2 Opening remarks by Kwan Jang Nim H.C. Hwang during 2014 National Festival at Little America Hotel in Salt Lake City, Utah.
Sparring Philosophy 3:12 0

Sparring Philosophy

Josh Lockwood, Sa Bom Nim USA TAC discussing Soo Bahk Do philosophy applied to Jae Yu Deh Ryun at 2014 National Festival in Salt Lake City, Utah
Sparring Technique 5:03 0

Sparring Technique

Cash Cooper Sa Bom Nim explains Technique attributes that can be integral to Moo Do Sparring at 2014 National Festival in Salt Lake City, Utah
Sparring Discipline and Respect 4:40 0

Sparring Discipline and Respect

Kris Poole Sa Bom Nim USA TAC member explains Discipline and Respect attributes that can be integral to Moo Do sparring at 2014 National Festival held in Salt Lake City, Utah
Sparring Philosophy by H.C. Hwang 29:19 1

Sparring Philosophy by H.C. Hwang

Moo Do Sparring Philosophy with Kwan Jang Nim H.C. Hwang 2014 National Festival
Ho Sin Sul Grip Drill 1:35 1

Ho Sin Sul Grip Drill

Ho Sin Sul Joint Lock Gripping Drill. This drill teaches the foundations of proper control of the partner's hand in performing join locks.
Sleeve Elbow Same Side Grip #4 0:31 0

Sleeve Elbow Same Side Grip #4

#4 Same Side Elbow Sleeve Grip Self defense technique (Ho Sin Sool) for Cho Dans: Sleeve-Elbow Same Side #4 performed by Technical Advisory Committee Member Daymon Kenyon assisted by Master Craig Haye...
Hwak Kuk Jang Kap Kwon - Proper Performance and Common Mistakes 1:47 1

Hwak Kuk Jang Kap Kwon - Proper Performance and Common Mista...

This video demonstrates how to properly perform Hwak Kuk Jang Kap Kwon. Jeff Griggs Sa Bom Nim also provides insight into common challenges.
Chil Sung Yuk Ro Hyung Low Sweeping Exercise 1:45 0

Chil Sung Yuk Ro Hyung Low Sweeping Exercise

Performing low sweeps from Chil Sung Yuk Ro Hyung (Ha Dan Ahp Huri Gi - Ha Dan Dwi Huri Gi
Hwak Kuk Jang Kwon Do Performance and Common Mistakes 1:58 1

Hwak Kuk Jang Kwon Do Performance and Common Mistakes

Demonstration of Soo Bahk Do Gi Cho - Hwak Kuk Jang Kwon Do and description of common challenges
Chil Sung Sa Ro Explained 6:28 3

Chil Sung Sa Ro Explained

Brian Corrales explains Chil Sung Sa Ro in detail.
Sip Dan Khum Hyung 1 (Il Lo) 1:28 1

Sip Dan Khum Hyung 1 (Il Lo)

Sip Dan Kum Il Lo hyung, recorded at the 2019 Ko Dan Ja Shim Sa in Utah. - Most current version at 2021-05-05
Sip Dan Khum Hyung 2 (Ee Ro) 1:04 2

Sip Dan Khum Hyung 2 (Ee Ro)

Demonstration of Sip Dan Khum Hyung 2 (Ee Ro). Most current version at 2021-05-05
Sip Dan Khum Hyung 7 (Chil Ro) 1:47 0

Sip Dan Khum Hyung 7 (Chil Ro)

Sip Dan Khum Chil Ro Hyung. Filmed at the 2019 US Ko Dan Ja Shim Sa.
Regional Examiner Training By TAC 1:8:49 1

Regional Examiner Training By TAC

2020-06-06 Zoom class by TAC for Regional Examiners - Session content description summary to be added here by a TAC member
2022 KDJSS Sa Dan Candidates 36:09 1

2022 KDJSS Sa Dan Candidates

2022 11-11 Sa Dan Candidates Ko Dan Ja Shim Sa Presentation in Tulsa OK
2022 KDJSS Yuk Dan Candidates 29:07 1

2022 KDJSS Yuk Dan Candidates

2022 11-11 KDJSS Yuk Dan Presentation Tulsa OK
SDK1 sparring application Natls 2022 2:44 1

SDK1 sparring application Natls 2022

Seminar instruction by Kwan Jang Nim at the Orlando Nationals 2022
Silver Moo Do In Session - Nov 20, 2022 1:5:32 1

Silver Moo Do In Session - Nov 20, 2022

this is the second series of the WTAC and Zone 2 combined training of the Silver Moo Do In Program
Silver Moo Do In - Warm Up and Breathing Exercises 2:40 1

Silver Moo Do In - Warm Up and Breathing Exercises

Fittanto SBN leads Silver Moo Do In using MPDK 1 and 2 Breathing Exercises
Chil Sung Chil Ro Hyung - R. Cruz 3:13 1

Chil Sung Chil Ro Hyung - R. Cruz

Chil Sung Chil Ro Hyung video submission for 2023 Euro KDJSS
Hwa Sun Hyung - R. Cruz 3:02 1

Hwa Sun Hyung - R. Cruz

Hwa Sun Hyung video submission for 2023 Euro KDJSS
Silver Moo Do In -  Session 14 49:45 1

Silver Moo Do In - Session 14

Sip Dan Khum E Lo Hyung Two man Partner Drill Instruction and Review, presented by Kenyon SBN and Assisted by Corrales SBN, comments by Kwan Jang Nim H.C. Hwang.
kodanja demos Winding River Tournament  2013 14:46 1

kodanja demos Winding River Tournament 2013

Ko Dan Ja Hyung demonstrations for the tournament (KDJ competition)
TAC Model Class Example 42:36 1

TAC Model Class Example

The World Moo Duk Kwan has comprehensive instructor certification programs to ensure the highest level of martial arts instruction and standardization worldwide. The following model class demonstrates...
Silver Moo Do In - Session 23 - August 17,2024 57:14 1

Silver Moo Do In - Session 23 - August 17,2024

This SMDI session was conducted at the U.S. Soo Bahk Moo Duk Kwan Do 2024 National Festival and Championship event in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. Kenyon SBN continues Kwan Jang Nim's emphasis on br...
TAC Seminar Heritage Program 2018 May 1:4:38 1

TAC Seminar Heritage Program 2018 May

TAC seminar 2018 Taught by Tsai and Stinehour SBN as part of the heritage program at MDK HQ
World TAC Class - December 2024 1:31:34 1

World TAC Class - December 2024

Final Zoom session for 2024, open to all WMDK Members.

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