#3 Cross Hand Wrist Grip Self defense (Ho Sin Sool) techniques for Green Belts: Cross Wrist Grip number 3 (Sam Bon) Performed by Technical Advisory Committee Member Daymon Kenyon Sa Bom Nim and Sa Bom...
#4 Cross Hand Wrist Grip Self defense (Ho Sin Sool) techniques for Green Belts: Cross Wrist Grip number 4 (Sa Bon) Performed by Technical Advisory Committee Member Daymon Kenyon Sa Bom Nim and Sa Bom ...
Korea's ancient warriors had to master many forms of empty handed combat, wrestling, disarming and defending as well as attacking with the hands, feet, head,...
The first principle in one step sparring is to remove the body from danger, so the student learns to move the body on the 4 cardinal points of the compass (N...
Sparring applications from Joong Jol, Yang Pyun, and Chil Sung Yuk Ro Hyungs. Performed by Region 4 Regional Examiners Rodrigo Cruz Sa Bom and Master Adam Diaz. - Nationals 2014