This SMDI session was conducted at the U.S. Soo Bahk Moo Duk Kwan Do 2024 National Festival and Championship event in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. Kenyon SBN continues Kwan Jang Nim's emphasis on br...
This video is from Youth Leadership Program on the World.
Our idea is to show a simple and basic form as Il su sik daeryon , and its aplication to the Moo Do Combat.
Il su sik daeryon is a basic f...
Training with Bonsignore SBN and Dan Segarra, Sa bom Nim, back at Five Towns in October 1989. I had revisited my original school that October and found out that my original instructor, Mr. Michael Ma...
Google Super Bowl Ad 2010 - What would your search terms and search results look like if you did not know Soo Bahk Do and were searching for a studio? Post your search terms or comments below.
Soo Bahk Do - Moo Duk Kwan
El Pròximo Sàbado 30 de Agosto estarà en Còrdoba dictando Seminario y tomando examen de Dan , Francisco Blotta SBN. 8º Dan y director Tècnico Nacional.
Soo Bahk Do influenced musical composition by John Carlini. Checkout his website for more music and info: Also on Bandcamp: Facebook: ht...
Anacortes Soo Bahk Do first lived in the imagination of Andy and Collette Arvidson until they took the next step and transformed their imagination into rea...
First time at Fed HQ October 1989, I will never forget the warmth of the Founder's firm handshake. A genuine warm and humble man. I was in town for my Father's funeral, and Frank Bonsignore, Sa bom Ni...
Concepts for STARTing a Soo Bahk Do Program in your workplace. Share ideas with students. Almost any rank student could provide "Lunch and Learn" sessions at their workplace.
The USA Federation's Technical Advisory Committee has empowered Certified Instructors to conduct distance instruction, student performance evaluations and rank recommendations based on video performan...