There Is Only One Moo Duk Kwan Host A Virtual Tournament Easy As 1-2-3. Click This Message For More Info
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Soo Bahk Do National Festival 2012 - Junior Team Hyung 3:40 0

Soo Bahk Do National Festival 2012 - Junior Team Hyung

Soo Bahk Do National Festival 2012 - Junior Team Hyung Demonstration by Region 9 June 30, 2012 Cherry Hill, New Jersey For more information and updates on the upcoming documentary, please visit: www.b...
Dragon Video #3 26:54 0

Dragon Video #3

Warm up
Knee Kick - Side Kick
1 Step Sparring - side step and punch
Target drill (1 step defense and jump/duck)
Dragons Video #4 26:01 0

Dragons Video #4

Dragons Video #4
Warm up
Basic Blocks
Basic Form #1 (8 moves)
1 Step Sparring
2019 KDJSS Stacey Johnson Teaching 23:14 2

2019 KDJSS Stacey Johnson Teaching

Teaching video of sparring combination class with an emphasis on conserving energy
Moo Duk Kwan 75th Anniversary Australia History 1

Moo Duk Kwan 75th Anniversary Australia History

Australian Moo Duk Kwan Demonstration in support of the 75th Virtual Anniversary.
Il Bon 2020 0

Il Bon 2020

The first principle in one step sparring is to remove the body from danger, so the student learns to move the body on the 4 cardinal points of the compass (N...
70th Anniversary Demo Argentina Part 2 17 1:37 0

70th Anniversary Demo Argentina Part 2 17

Part 2 Team Argentina, Kyo Pa demonstration 70th anniversary demonstrations 17
Joong Jeol Hyung Yuk Ro Form 2 Performance Tips 6:15 1

Joong Jeol Hyung Yuk Ro Form 2 Performance Tips

2nd Dan requirement. Performance tips and learning points by H.C. Hwang for Yuk Ro Hyung. This is a demonstration of the complete Joong Jeol (Jul) Hyung by Kwan Jang Nim HC Hwang. It also includes le...
Soo Bahk Do Nationals 2007 - Sparring #20 3:07 0

Soo Bahk Do Nationals 2007 - Sparring #20

Team preliminaries.
Soo Bahk Do Nationals 2007 - Sparring #18 2:17 0

Soo Bahk Do Nationals 2007 - Sparring #18

Team preliminary.
Soo Bahk Do Nationals 2007 - Sparring #01 4:10 0

Soo Bahk Do Nationals 2007 - Sparring #01

Green/Red adult 18-30.
Combination 02 0

Combination 02

This basic combination combines an inside-to-outside middle low block (performed in a back stance) followed by a reverse high punch (performed in a front sta...
Combination 02 0

Combination 02

This basic combination combines an inside-to-outside middle low block (performed in a back stance) followed by a reverse high punch (performed in a front sta...
Combination 05 0

Combination 05

This basic combination combines a double- fist low block (performed in a front stance), then weight shifts into a back stance as both hands are drawn into ch...
Combination 05 0

Combination 05

This basic combination combines a double- fist low block (performed in a front stance), then weight shifts into a back stance as both hands are drawn into ch...
Dan Breaking Competition 1 3:42 0

Dan Breaking Competition 1

#1 Dan breaking competition at Western Connecticut Soo Bahk Do Tournament June 7, 2014 Ridgefield, CT
Dan Breaking Competition 2 0:52 0

Dan Breaking Competition 2

#2 Dan breaking competition at Western Connecticut Soo Bahk Do Tournament June 7, 2014 Ridgefield, CT
Dan Breaking Competition 3 0:27 0

Dan Breaking Competition 3

#3 Dan breaking competition at Western Connecticut Soo Bahk Do Tournament June 7, 2014 Ridgefield, CT
Dan Breaking Competition 4 0:51 0

Dan Breaking Competition 4

#4 Dan breaking competition at Western Connecticut Soo Bahk Do Tournament June 7, 2014 Ridgefield, CT
Dan Breaking Competition 5 0:24 0

Dan Breaking Competition 5

#5 Dan breaking competition at Western Connecticut Soo Bahk Do Tournament June 7, 2014 Ridgefield, CT
Dan Breaking Competition 6 3:09 0

Dan Breaking Competition 6

#6 Dan breaking competition at Western Connecticut Soo Bahk Do Tournament June 7, 2014 Ridgefield, CT
Dan Breaking Competition 7 2:36 0

Dan Breaking Competition 7

#7 Dan breaking competition at Western Connecticut Soo Bahk Do Tournament June 7, 2014 Ridgefield, CT
Dan Breaking Competition 8 0:22 0

Dan Breaking Competition 8

#8 Dan breaking competition at Western Connecticut Soo Bahk Do Tournament June 7, 2014 Ridgefield, CT
Dan Breaking Competition 9 1:40 0

Dan Breaking Competition 9

#9 Dan breaking competition at Western Connecticut Soo Bahk Do Tournament June 7, 2014 Ridgefield, CT
Dan Breaking Competition 10 0:57 0

Dan Breaking Competition 10

#10 Dan breaking competition at Western Connecticut Soo Bahk Do Tournament June 7, 2014 Ridgefield, CT
Dan Hyung Competition 12 3:57 0

Dan Hyung Competition 12

#12 Dan Hyung competition at Western Connecticut Soo Bahk Do Tournament June 7, 2014 Ridgefield, CT
Dan Hyung Competition 13 2:00 0

Dan Hyung Competition 13

#13 Dan Hyung Competition at Western Connecticut Soo Bahk Do Tournament June 7, 2014 Ridgefield, CT
Dan Hyung Competition 14 2:11 0

Dan Hyung Competition 14

#14 Dan Hyung competition at Western Connecticut Soo Bahk Do Tournament June 7, 2014 Ridgefield, CT
Soo Bahk Do Nationals 2007 - Sparring #10 3:08 0

Soo Bahk Do Nationals 2007 - Sparring #10

Cho Dan 31-39 Men LW Light.
Soo Bahk Do Nationals 2007 - Sparring #03 2:18 0

Soo Bahk Do Nationals 2007 - Sparring #03

E Dan Women 31-45.


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