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Pi Cha Gi Instruction 2:20 1

Pi Cha Gi Instruction

Sa Bom Nim Craig Hays explains execution of Pi Cha Gi
Maximize Your Impact Power 3:11 0

Maximize Your Impact Power

Craig Hays, Sa Bom Nim of USA TAC discusses the physics of movement that can maximize your striking and kicking impact power.
jokGi4-16 1:51 1


kicking drills for KDJ TAC review
Kicking drill 0

Kicking drill

Ahp Cha Nut Gi & Dwi Cha Gi
Craig Hays Sa Bom 0

Craig Hays Sa Bom

National Festival Seminar taught by Craig Hays
Craig Hays, Sa Bom Nim 0

Craig Hays, Sa Bom Nim

Technical Advisory Committee Weh Gung Bu Member Craig Hays of Dallas, Texas
Red Belt Foot Techniques (Jok Gi) 1:25 0

Red Belt Foot Techniques (Jok Gi)

Foot kicking techniques for Red Belts (Jok Gi): Jump Side Hook Kick (E Dan Yup Hu Ri Gi) Jump Long Back Spinning Kick (E Dan Dwi Hu Ri Gi) Jump Short Back Spinning Kick ( E Dan Dwi Anhneso Pahkuro Cha...
75th Anniversary Seminar 2 - Dong Gyu Lee [Traditional Cha Gi] 1:4:16 2

75th Anniversary Seminar 2 - Dong Gyu Lee [Traditional Cha G...

2nd Premium Seminar about traditional kicking (Cha Gi) instructed by Dong Gyu Lee Sa Bom Nim during the Moo Duk Kwan 75th Virtual Anniversary Celebration in 2020.
Craig Hays SBN Videos For Review Before Publishing 0

Craig Hays SBN Videos For Review Before Publishing

Instructional technical videos by Craig Hays Sa Bom Nim pending review and or editing before publishing
2018 KDJSS Hays SBN SDK 4 1:24 1

2018 KDJSS Hays SBN SDK 4

Sa Bom Nim Hays demonstration Sip Dan Kuhm Sa Ro
Sip Dan Khum Hyung 1 to 10 Series 3

Sip Dan Khum Hyung 1 to 10 Series

Sip Dan Khum 6-10 Zoom sessions instruction of Sip Dan Khum Hyung by Kwan Jang Nim H.C. Hwang and Craig Hays Sa Bom Nim. (Note 1-5 videos by Hays Sa Bom Nim are pending being added.)

Performing E Dan Yup Podo Cha Gi With My Son Holding The Pad 0

Performing E Dan Yup Podo Cha Gi With My Son Holding The Pad

Langley AFB Karate Club, 1993-95, under the guidance of James Donnelly, Sa bom Nim. That's my son, Roberto Jr., holding the kicking pad. I was showing him jump kicks that night. We held classes in ...
2018 KDJSS Hays SBN SDK 3 1:13 2

2018 KDJSS Hays SBN SDK 3

Sa Bom Nim Hays demonstration Sip Dan Kuhm Sam Ro
Kicking Excercise 2 0

Kicking Excercise 2

Drills focused on the mechanics of the kick.
Kicking Combinations - Advancing forward for sparring 3:52 1

Kicking Combinations - Advancing forward for sparring

Jared Rosentahl, Sa Bom Nim shows spinning kick combinations for beginners to advanced students.

Today I would like to share some
kicking combinations. I believe these
combinations can se...
Du Mun - Timing of hyung sequences 2:38 2

Du Mun - Timing of hyung sequences

This video shows the appropriate timing and grouping of technique (Dong Jak). The hyung should be instructed with this grouping of technique so that correct pauses are performed in class. Instruction ...


Kicking Excercise 3 Steve Tracy 0

Kicking Excercise 3 Steve Tracy

Inside to outside & outside to inside excercises.
Conditioning - Yup Podo Cha Gi 1:02 2

Conditioning - Yup Podo Cha Gi

Simple drill to improve your performance of Yup Podo Cha Gi.
Front Kick - balance kicking 3:57 0

Front Kick - balance kicking

Front Kick working on balance with multiple kicks
Po Wol - Timing of Hyung Sequences 2:36 1

Po Wol - Timing of Hyung Sequences

Craig Hays Sa Bom Nim of USA TAC demonstrates appropriate timing and grouping of techniques (Dong Jak)in Po Wol hyung. The hyung should be instructed with this grouping of technique so that students e...
Front Snap Kick Tips (Ahp Cha Nut Gi) 3:36 2

Front Snap Kick Tips (Ahp Cha Nut Gi)

Dae Kyu Chang, Sa Bom Nim USA TAC explains exercises to improve control of toes, ankles, and hips for stronger Front Snap Kick Ahp Cha Nut Gi technique
Little Dragons - Orange Stripe Kicks 4:55 0

Little Dragons - Orange Stripe Kicks

This video covers the basic kicking techniques needed to complete the Little Dragons Orange Stripe level.
Little Dragons - White Belt Kicks 5:03 0

Little Dragons - White Belt Kicks

This video will take you through the basic kicking techniques needed to advance from White Belt to White Belt with Orange Stripe
2017 KDJSS Mercedes Freire Teaching Video - 1 16:38 2

2017 KDJSS Mercedes Freire Teaching Video - 1

Teaching video focusing on front leg kicking with emphasis on the Key Concept of Chong Shin Tong Il - Concentration - The practical application of techniques is sparring.
Little Dragons White Belt practice test - kicks 3:23 0

Little Dragons White Belt practice test - kicks

Practice test for White Belts - kicking; knee kick, stretch kick and front kick
Joong Jul - Timing of Hyung Sequences 2:29 1

Joong Jul - Timing of Hyung Sequences

Craig Hays Sa Bom Nim of USA TAC demonstrates appropriate timing and grouping of techniques (Dong Jak) in Joong Jul hyung.

The hyung should be instructed with this grouping of technique so that st...


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