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Moo Do Values in Sparring App 4:22 0

Moo Do Values in Sparring App

2012 Moment With The Masters Seminar - Kwan Jang Nim H.C. Hwang explains the History exercise of the Moo Do Value application in Sparring at the 2012 Moment With The Masters in Ramona, CA.
50th Anniversary of Moo Duk Kwan Opening 1995 11:33 0

50th Anniversary of Moo Duk Kwan Opening 1995

1995 Founder Hwang Kee's 50th Anniverary opening greeting in Korea- Videographer Roberto Bonefont
2012 Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan Nationals - Youth Ambassadors Hyung Demonstration 1:49 0

2012 Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan Nationals - Youth Ambassadors ...

June 30, 2012: Jared Rosenthal SBN and team perform Yuk Ro 2 Dan Hyung for KJN, participants, guest and officials at 2012 SBD Nationals, Cherry Hill, NJ
Moo Do Values in Sparring App - Part 1 4:40 2

Moo Do Values in Sparring App - Part 1

2012 Moment With The Masters Seminar - Kwan Jang Nim H.C. Hwang explains the Philosophy (Part 1) exercise of the Moo Do Value application in Sparring at the 2012 Moment With The Masters in Ramona, CA.
2012 Nationals Morning Clinics Part 2 48:03 0

2012 Nationals Morning Clinics Part 2

Kenyon SBN's clinic part 2 2012 National Festival Cherry Hill, NJ


2012 National Festival Opening Ceremony 5:15 0

2012 National Festival Opening Ceremony

2012 National Festival Opening Ceremony. Short video teaser for the World Moo Duk Kwan Facebook Site
2012 National Festival Opening Ceremony 20:07 0

2012 National Festival Opening Ceremony

2012 National Festival Opening Ceremon
Korean News Clip of 2012 Korean Ko Dan Ja Shim Sa 9:12 2

Korean News Clip of 2012 Korean Ko Dan Ja Shim Sa

2012 Korean Ko Dan Ja Shim Sa featured in Korean News Clip
Guardians 2 Part 1 1:24:51 0

Guardians 2 Part 1

Kwan Jang Nim's Ko Dan Ja Seminar at Guardians 2, Part 1 in Region 2 Springfield, New Jersey Dec 8, 2012
KDJSS Candidates 2012 Join Group 0

KDJSS Candidates 2012

2012 Ko Dan Ja Shim Sa (KDJSS)
Andy Hamer Kyo Sa Teaching 2012-1 20:16 8

Andy Hamer Kyo Sa Teaching 2012-1

KDJSS Candidate Andy Hamer Kyo Sa Teaching 2012-1 Ko Dan Ja Shim Sa
Karate Demo Team 2012 0

Karate Demo Team 2012

Our Soo Bahk Do Demo Team gave an excellent performance before a live audience at the San Luis Rey Mission's 2012 Christmas in July Celebration.
Karate Demo Team 2012 0

Karate Demo Team 2012

Our Soo Bahk Do Demo Team gave an excellent performance before a live audience at the San Luis Rey Mission's 2012 Christmas in July Celebration.
Board Director Throws Down Challenge For Fellow Dans And Ko Dan Ja 1

Board Director Throws Down Challenge For Fellow Dans And Ko ...

“During the Federation’s inaugural Fall Membership Drive I am challenging all my fellow Dan and Ko Dan Ja Members and Lifetime Members to join me in celebrating our respective training anniversari...
1989 KDJ and Dan Shim at FED HQ - Founder Hwang Kee 4:27 0

1989 KDJ and Dan Shim at FED HQ - Founder Hwang Kee

My first visit to Fed HQ in October 1989. First time meeting Founder Hwang Kee and Kwan Jang Nim H.C. Hwang.
2012 Intro to Competition and Flash Mob Pt 1 41:59 0

2012 Intro to Competition and Flash Mob Pt 1

2012 National Festival Cherry Hill NJ, Intro to Competition and Flash Mob Pt 1
H.C. Hwang Demonstration 2:38 1

H.C. Hwang Demonstration

Demonstration circa 19?? H.C. Hwang Atmosphere Stage Demo
Region 9 129th Dan Shim Sa and Clinic - Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan 8:05 0

Region 9 129th Dan Shim Sa and Clinic - Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk ...

Region 9 129th Dan Shim Sa in Goleta (Santa Barbara), California. Saturday April 21, 2012. Photography by Karen Kent
Kwan Jang Nim Message To All Moo Duk Kwan Members 3:01 8

Kwan Jang Nim Message To All Moo Duk Kwan Members

Kwan Jang Nim’s message to the world
Moo Duk Kwan cirica 1960's Joong Ahn Do jang and Kicho 6:41 0

Moo Duk Kwan cirica 1960's Joong Ahn Do jang and Kicho

Here is an old video of the Joong Ahn Dojang and Kicho basics being led by GM HC Hwang. I hope all my Moo Duk Kwan brothers and sisters enjoy this.
William Parrish Master Teaching 1 22:30 0

William Parrish Master Teaching 1

William Parrish Master 2012 KDJSS Sa Bom Candidate Teaching Video
Founder Hwang Kee 50th Anniversary Opening Address 11:34 2

Founder Hwang Kee 50th Anniversary Opening Address

A short film of the Founder of the Moo Duk Kwan, Hwang Kee, doing his opening remarks at the 50th Anniversary in Seoul, Korea in 1995. Assisting him in the translation is his son, his successor and pr...
CI Kim, Sa Bom Nim Dan Bon 475,  teaching Class at Hanke's Soo Bahk Do Year Unknown 1:11:46 6

CI Kim, Sa Bom Nim Dan Bon 475, teaching Class at Hanke's S...

Chung IL Kim, Sa Bom Nim, Dan Bon 475, teaching a class at Russ Hanke's Soo Bahk Do Do Jang, either late 70 or early 80s. Video courtesy of Frank Bonsignore, Sa bom Nim, Charter member.
Eric Orella Kyo Sa Teaching 1 22:41 0

Eric Orella Kyo Sa Teaching 1

Kyo Sa Eric Orella 2012 KDJSS Candidate Teaching Video 1
Jeff Mackey Teaching 1 19:58 0

Jeff Mackey Teaching 1

Video of 2012 KDJSS candidate Mr. Jeff Mackey teaching, video 1
2014 KJN HC Hwang National Festival 1 of 2 6:07 0

2014 KJN HC Hwang National Festival 1 of 2

1 of 2 Opening remarks by Kwan Jang Nim H.C. Hwang during 2014 National Festival at Little America Hotel in Salt Lake City, Utah.
2014 KJN HC Hwang National Festival 2 of 2 6:11 0

2014 KJN HC Hwang National Festival 2 of 2

2 of 2 Opening remarks by Kwan Jang Nim H.C. Hwang during 2014 National Festival at Little America Hotel in Salt Lake City, Utah.
Ko Dan Ja Class with Kwan Jang Nim H.C. Hwang 3:27 1

Ko Dan Ja Class with Kwan Jang Nim H.C. Hwang

Multiple classes in 2005 at Fed Hq with Kwan Jang Nim H.C. Hwang and Ko Dan Ja.


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