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2014 National Festival 0

2014 National Festival

2014 National Festival
2014 National Festival 0

2014 National Festival

2014 National Festival
2014 National Festival 0

2014 National Festival

2014 National Festival
2014 National Festival 0

2014 National Festival

2014 National Festival
2018 National Festival United States Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan Federation 1

2018 National Festival United States Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwa...

Region 6 Members invite you to join them at the LaToretta Lake Resort and Spa August 9-11, 2018 for the 2018 National Festival United States Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan Federation.
2012 KDJ Seminar Pt 1 10:08 0

2012 KDJ Seminar Pt 1

Pt 1 Kenyon Sa Bom Nim Morning Ko Dan Ja (KDJ) Seminar at 2012 National Festival
Sparring Technique 5:03 0

Sparring Technique

Cash Cooper Sa Bom Nim explains Technique attributes that can be integral to Moo Do Sparring at 2014 National Festival in Salt Lake City, Utah
Dynamic Il Soo Sik Demonstration 2:14 0

Dynamic Il Soo Sik Demonstration

Demonstration by Rodrigo Cruz Sa Bom Nim and Rich Ahlers Kyo Sa Nim at the 2013 US SBD MDK National Festival and Championship in Cherry Hill, NJ.
2013 Moo Do Sparring Introduction 7:15 2

2013 Moo Do Sparring Introduction

Moo Do sparring concept based on the Kwan Jang Nim's vision, the TAC introduces their experimental Moo Do Ja Yu Dae Ryun at the 2013 National Festival and Dan Leadership Conference in Cherry Hill, NJ
World TAC Zoom Class [2024-02 February 2024 58:57 0

World TAC Zoom Class [2024-02 February 2024

Class taught by Zone 3 National TAC member Ntaflos SBN [Greece]
World TAC Zoom Class [2024-03] March 2024 1:11:26 0

World TAC Zoom Class [2024-03] March 2024

Class taught by Zone 4 National TAC members Barboza SBN + Olguin SBN
2006 nationals demonstration 2:49 0

2006 nationals demonstration

Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan national championships held in San Diego, CA. Ko Dan Ja presequence sparring
Sparring History And Tradition 7:22 0

Sparring History And Tradition

Jennifer Gibbons, Sa Bom Nim USA TAC explains history and tradition attributes that can be integral to Moo Do sparring at 2014 National Festival held in Salt Lake City, Utah
2014 Moo Do Sparring Explanation 1:57 0

2014 Moo Do Sparring Explanation

2014 National Festival Sparring - explanation by SBN Craig Hays Little America Hotel, Salt lake City, Utah
2014 Moo Do Sparring Demonstration 4:06 0

2014 Moo Do Sparring Demonstration

Free Sparring Demonstration at the 2014 National Festival Little America Hotel, Salt Lake City, Utah
2005 Nationals Recap 7:28 2

2005 Nationals Recap

Recap of 2005 Nationals by Rodrigo Cruz Sa Bom Nim
Mexico Flag 0:20 0

Mexico Flag

3-D of Mexico flag waving. The flag of Mexico (Spanish: Bandera de México) is a vertical tricolor of green, white, and red with the national coat of arms in the center of the white stripe.
Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan National Championships 2010 4:03 0

Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan National Championships 2010

Ko Dan Ja Sequenced Sparring Champions, PJ Steyer SBN & Neil Cohn SBN. Unbelievable demonstration of Soo Bahk Do including the interpretations of the Moo Yei Dobo Tong Gi and Moo Pahl Dan Khum...
Ko Dan Ja Shim Sa Preparation Seminar (live) 1:13:34 1

Ko Dan Ja Shim Sa Preparation Seminar (live)

Ko Dan Ja Shim Sa Preparation Seminar (live) at 2007 National Festival instructed by Technical Advisory Committee Member Craig Hays, sa Bom Nim.
Pyung Ahn Ee Dan - Nationals 2008 1:32 0

Pyung Ahn Ee Dan - Nationals 2008

Martial arts Form at Soo Bahk Do National 2008 San Diego
Adult Hyung Team at 2012 Soo Bahk Do Festival 3:50 0

Adult Hyung Team at 2012 Soo Bahk Do Festival

Adult Hyung or karate forms team, performing at the US Soo Bahk Do national festival held in Cherry Hill, NJ. This performance was on Saturday, June 30.
Sparring Discipline and Respect 4:40 0

Sparring Discipline and Respect

Kris Poole Sa Bom Nim USA TAC member explains Discipline and Respect attributes that can be integral to Moo Do sparring at 2014 National Festival held in Salt Lake City, Utah
2014 Moo Do Sparring Rules Summary 1:44 0

2014 Moo Do Sparring Rules Summary

2014 National Festival Sparring - Summary of Rules by SBN Craig Hays Little America Hotel, Salt Lake City, Utah
Soo Bahk Do Forms Competition - Sal Chu Hyung 7:11 0

Soo Bahk Do Forms Competition - Sal Chu Hyung

This is a tribute video made for one of my instructors, B. Migoley Sa Bom Nim. In the video, she demonstrates Sal Chu Hyung at the 2010 Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan National Festival and Championships, he...
2011 National Festival Poster 0

2011 National Festival Poster

2011 National Festival Poster
2017 Tomball Soo Bahk Do Demonstration for Competition 1:59 2

2017 Tomball Soo Bahk Do Demonstration for Competition

Tomball Demonstration Team shows the north-south line of Jindo Hyung and the East-West line of Nah Han Ji Hyung. Also included are examples of techniques from the hyung as used for self-defense. 2017
How To Maximize Your Nationals Experience for Children 1:21:08 1

How To Maximize Your Nationals Experience for Children

Seminar for Children about how they can maximize their experience at the Nationals taught by Sa Bom Nim Jennifer Gibbons at 2008 National Festival
2012 Nationals Morning Clinics Part 2 48:03 0

2012 Nationals Morning Clinics Part 2

Kenyon SBN's clinic part 2 2012 National Festival Cherry Hill, NJ
2004 National Festival Recap 4:59 3

2004 National Festival Recap

Recap of 2004 Nationals by Rodrigo Cruz Sa Bom Nim
2012 Intro to Competition and Flash Mob Pt 1 41:59 0

2012 Intro to Competition and Flash Mob Pt 1

2012 National Festival Cherry Hill NJ, Intro to Competition and Flash Mob Pt 1


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