I enjoy teaching Soo Bahk Do to my students online. Zoom technology makes this level of instruction easy and accessible to a great many people, who otherwis...
This video shows the appropriate timing and grouping of technique (Dong Jak). The hyung should be instructed with this grouping of technique so that correct pauses are performed in class. Instruction ...
Adult Hyung or karate forms team, performing at the US Soo Bahk Do national festival held in Cherry Hill, NJ. This performance was on Saturday, June 30.
This seminar is sponsored by DeJohnette Martial Arts Academy and Evolution Soo Bahk Do. The content of this class will include technical analyses of sparring techniques and basic forms. Additional c...
Vintage Moo Duk Kwan Tang Soo Do footage from the late 1950's or early 1960's from Korea. This film was donated to Central Michigan Karate by "Marty" who trained in Korea as a serviceman. Th...
It was the late 1970's and the decision was made to to film a technical video tape and Kwan Jang Nim would be a performer. He was to perform the basic forms and many other techniques, ki Cho Ki Sul. T...
Craig Hays Sa Bom Nim of USA TAC demonstrates appropriate timing and grouping of techniques (Dong Jak)in Po Wol hyung. The hyung should be instructed with this grouping of technique so that students e...
Performance tips and learning points by H.C. Hwang. Du Moon is #1 of the Yuk Ro Hyung. This is a demonstration of the complete Du Mun Hyung by Kwan Jang Nim HC Hwang. It also includes learning points...