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Silver Moo Do In -Session 29:24 1

Silver Moo Do In -Session

Silver Moo Do In Session sip dan khum il lo hyung Salinas Sbn part 3
70th Anniversary Demo Korea Part 2 26 11:31 1

70th Anniversary Demo Korea Part 2 26

Korea Part 2 Kyo Pa Demo by representatives of the Korean Soo Bahk Do 70th anniversary demonstrations 26
Pyong Ahn Cho Dan Part 1 of 4 - Uido Concept 15:14 0

Pyong Ahn Cho Dan Part 1 of 4 - Uido Concept

Part 1 of 4 - Kwan Jang Nim H.C. Hwang teaching Pyong Ahn Cho Dan (Pyung Ahn Cho Dan) - Uido Concept. Short videos with H.C. Hwang Kwan Jang Nim teaching concepts behind hyung practice.
70th Anniversary Demonstrations Part 1 13:56 1

70th Anniversary Demonstrations Part 1

Demonstrations 70th Anniversary Part 1
Voiceover of First Federation Video 2:12 0

Voiceover of First Federation Video

It was the late 1970's and the decision was made to to film a technical video tape and Kwan Jang Nim would be a performer. He was to perform the basic forms and many other techniques, ki Cho Ki Sul. T...
Casselton_KongSangKoon_April2020 2:48 0


This video is being submitted as part of my conditionals for the 2019 KDJSS.
Casselton_ChilSungSaRo_April2020 3:28 0


I am submitting this video as part of my conditionals for KDJSS 2019.
R10 Iverson Dhando standard part 1 0:47 0

R10 Iverson Dhando standard part 1

R10 Iverson Dhando standard part 1
R10 Iverson Dhando random part 2 0:29 0

R10 Iverson Dhando random part 2

R10 Iverson Dhando random part 2
R10 Iverson Dhando standard part 2 0:28 0

R10 Iverson Dhando standard part 2

R10 Iverson Dhando standard part 2
R10 Iverson Dhando random part 1 0:37 0

R10 Iverson Dhando random part 1

R10 Iverson Dhando random part 1
Puerto Rico Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan Part 2 2

Puerto Rico Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan Part 2

description of the trip with HC Hwang, KJN, Frank Bonsignore SBN, Roberto Bonefont Sr.
Falling and Rolling 3:53 0

Falling and Rolling

Falling and Rolling

In this video we'll cover the basics of
falling (control falling) and then rolling
forward and backward. Overall
anytime we go to the ground the goal
is to spread the forc...
Casselton_SipSoo_April2020 2:11 0


I am submitting this video as part of my conditionals for KDJSS2019.
Casselton_PoWol_April2020 2:40 0


I am submitting this video as part of my conditionals for KDJSS2019.
All About Your Affiliate Link 0

All About Your Affiliate Link

Explanation of each part of affiliate links
Puerto Rican Moo Duk Kwan has returned to the World Moo Duk Kwan Part 1 1

Puerto Rican Moo Duk Kwan has returned to the World Moo Duk ...

Visit to Puerto Rico by H.C. Hwang KJN in 1997
Ko Dan Ja-Sam Dan Training May 3rd Part 1 43:13 0

Ko Dan Ja-Sam Dan Training May 3rd Part 1

Ko Dan Ja and Sam Dan train at Hq with Bonsignore Sa Bom Nim
Soo Bahk Do Demonstration (part 1) 0:43 0

Soo Bahk Do Demonstration (part 1)

Soo Bahk Do demo in Danbury, CT 2008
Ko Dan Ja And Sam Dan Training May 3rd Part 8 5:02 0

Ko Dan Ja And Sam Dan Training May 3rd Part 8

Region 2 Ko Dan Ja and Sam Dan training held at HQ May 3rd, 2014.
Region 1 & 2 training with Bonsignore SBN, Charter Member, Part 3 12:11 1

Region 1 & 2 training with Bonsignore SBN, Charter Member, P...

sei shan hyung review and il soo sik warm up exercises
Sa Bom Teaching Video 20:57 0

Sa Bom Teaching Video

This is a twenty minute teaching video submitted as part of the Sa Bom certification requirements.
Part 4  Segment continuation of Sun Sok Mi yok gi 24:49 1

Part 4 Segment continuation of Sun Sok Mi yok gi

Kwan Jang Nim's instruction on Sun Sok Mi and the use of the Huri in Yok Gi
2018 KDJSS Michelle Genova- Hozalski Teaching 20:35 0

2018 KDJSS Michelle Genova- Hozalski Teaching

Teaching video to be presented to the TAC as part of the Sa Bom certification process. 2018 KDJSS


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