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60th Anniversary Moo Duk Kwan 2005 0

60th Anniversary Moo Duk Kwan 2005

Kwan Jang Nim H. C. Hwang
70th Anniversary Demos Part 1 16:40 1

70th Anniversary Demos Part 1

A combination of demonstrations performed during the 70th Anniversary of the Moo Duk Kwan in Suwon, South Korea Videos were taken from Facebook postings.Our thanks to all who posted these on Facebook...
70th Anniversary Demo Iceland 23 1:13 0

70th Anniversary Demo Iceland 23

Iceland, Cesar Rodriquez Sa Bom Nim WMDK Designee, 70th Anniversary Demonstration
Wang Shu (1995) 2:13 0

Wang Shu (1995)

Kenyon Sa Bom Nim performs Wang Shu Hyung in 1995 in Korea for Kee Hwang the Founder of the Moo Duk Kwan, at the 50th Anniversary Celebration - Videographer Roberto Bonfonte
70th Anniversary Demo Spain 28 5:09 0

70th Anniversary Demo Spain 28

Spain demonstration at Moo Duk Kwan 70th anniversary 28
1989 KDJ and Dan Shim at FED HQ - Founder Hwang Kee 4:27 0

1989 KDJ and Dan Shim at FED HQ - Founder Hwang Kee

My first visit to Fed HQ in October 1989. First time meeting Founder Hwang Kee and Kwan Jang Nim H.C. Hwang.
Eight Key Concepts of Soo Bahk Do 1

Eight Key Concepts of Soo Bahk Do

Moo Duk Kwan® President and Kwan Jang Nim, H.C. Hwang shares his insights about each of the 8 Key Concepts of Soo Bahk Do® in a weekly video series published during the 2020 Covid19 pandemic.
70th Anniversary Demonstration 14 2:42 0

70th Anniversary Demonstration 14

Tai Chi Chuan (left) and Dham Doi Ship (Tan Tui)(right) on the left is Hyuk Youn Kwon, Sa Bom Nim and Brian Corrales Sa Bom Nim on the right. Celebration 70th anniversary demonstration #14
Moo Duk Kwan cirica 1960's Joong Ahn Do jang and Kicho 6:41 0

Moo Duk Kwan cirica 1960's Joong Ahn Do jang and Kicho

Here is an old video of the Joong Ahn Dojang and Kicho basics being led by GM HC Hwang. I hope all my Moo Duk Kwan brothers and sisters enjoy this.
40th Anniversary Banquet Schermerhorn SBN 18:49 0

40th Anniversary Banquet Schermerhorn SBN

Frank Schermerhorn SBN students of Winding river Soo Bahk Do perform at his 40th anniversary banquet.
70th Anniversary Demo Argentina Part 3 19 6:41 0

70th Anniversary Demo Argentina Part 3 19

Part 3 Team Argentina under the leadership of F. Blotta, Sa bom Nim, Designee for Argentina 70th Anniversary Demonstration 19
Chile demonstration for the 70th Anniversary 2015 submitted by Sebastián Muñoz 3:39 2

Chile demonstration for the 70th Anniversary 2015 submitted ...

This a submission from the Designee in Chile, South America. Their demonstration for the 70th Anniversary 2015
70th Anniversary Demo 15 4:23 1

70th Anniversary Demo 15

Pyong Ahn O Dan, Bo Staff application of Pyong Ahn O Dan and Kyo pa demonstration. Various nations. 70th anniversary demonstrations #15
70th Anniversary Demo Chile 21 4:27 0

70th Anniversary Demo Chile 21

Chile, under the leadership of A.Carrelo, Sa Bom Nim 70th anniversary demonstrations by Team representatives 21
Kwan Jang Nim Teaching 1

Kwan Jang Nim Teaching

A Series of videos published by Moo Duk Kwan Kwan Jang Nim, H.C. Hwang
70th Anniversary Demo Iran 24 1:00 0

70th Anniversary Demo Iran 24

Kyo Pa demonstration by representatives from Iran, Mostafa Mahmoudi, Sa Bom Nim is the designee for Iran. 70th anniversary demonstrations 24
70th Anniversary Demo United Kingdom 29 3:33 0

70th Anniversary Demo United Kingdom 29

United Kingdom demonstration at Moo Duk Kwan 7th Anniversary demonstrations
"Concept Of Unity" Origin 1:56 1

"Concept Of Unity" Origin

Larry Seiberlich, Sa Bom Nim Notation:

...In the early days of our Federation, I think it was 1979 or 1980,
it was important for us to develop a concept of unity. Which would
then be the basic...
70th Anniversary Demo Mexico 27 3:23 0

70th Anniversary Demo Mexico 27

Mexico demonstration at the Moo Duk Kwan 70th anniversary demonstrations 27
2019 KDJSS Candidate Heritage Project Teleconference 00:54:08 1

2019 KDJSS Candidate Heritage Project Teleconference

Sa Bom Nim Zickafoose hosted a teleconference for 2019 invited KDJSS candidates in which Kwan Jang Nim H.C. Hwang and Sa Bom Nim Steve Diaz outlined the current status of the Moo Duk Kwan Heritage Pro...
Federación Mexicana de Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan 4:45 1

Federación Mexicana de Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan

Video submission for the 70th Anniversary, on behalf of Pilar Leguel, Sa bom Nim for Guzman Sa Bom Nim,
H.C. Hwang Demonstration 2:38 1

H.C. Hwang Demonstration

Demonstration circa 19?? H.C. Hwang Atmosphere Stage Demo
70th Anniversary Demo Argentina Part 1 16 4:56 0

70th Anniversary Demo Argentina Part 1 16

Part 1 Team Argentina performs demo to honor early Moo Duk Kwan/Hwa Soo Do training, three step, and demo of Kyo Pa. Part 1 70th anniversary demonstrations #16
70th Anniversary Demos 31 5:25 0

70th Anniversary Demos 31

Demonstrations at the Moo Duk Kwan 70th anniversary
Ko Dan Ja Class with Kwan Jang Nim H.C. Hwang 3:27 1

Ko Dan Ja Class with Kwan Jang Nim H.C. Hwang

Multiple classes in 2005 at Fed Hq with Kwan Jang Nim H.C. Hwang and Ko Dan Ja.
70th Anniversary Demo Australia 20 3:41 0

70th Anniversary Demo Australia 20

Australia under the leadership of K.Glenn, Sa Bom Nim 70th anniversary demonstrations 20
70th Anniversary Demo France 22 5:11 0

70th Anniversary Demo France 22

France under the leadership of M.Ole, Sa Bom Nim, Designee in France. 70th anniversary demonstrations by representatives.
70th Anniversary Registration 7 1:28 0

70th Anniversary Registration 7

Beginning process to enter the 70th celebration 0007
START Initiative Teleconference By H.C. Hwang, Kwan Jang Nim 40:59 1

START Initiative Teleconference By H.C. Hwang, Kwan Jang Nim

H.C. Hwang - START Initiative Teleconference


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