Sparring applications from Joong Jol, Yang Pyun, and Chil Sung Yuk Ro Hyungs. Performed by Region 4 Regional Examiners Rodrigo Cruz Sa Bom and Master Adam Diaz. - Nationals 2014
Amaral Sa Bom Nim was recently involved in detaining a parolee who had attempted to car-jack a vehicle at gunpoint. Perusse Sa Bom Nim also demonstrates Sal Chu Hyung and breaking.
This is a tribute video made for one of my instructors, B. Migoley Sa Bom Nim. In the video, she demonstrates Sal Chu Hyung at the 2010 Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan National Festival and Championships, he...
Part 34 Moo Duk Kwan 70th anniversary demonstrations- Ko Dan ja perform Soo Bahk Do Ki Cho, and Kwan Jang Nim H.C. Hwang does a personal performance of Hwa Sun Hyung to pay tribute to his father, Foun...
All Yuk Ro Hyung performed simultaneously at 1st Annual Space Coast Soo Bahk Do Championship.
Yuk Ro Cho Dan (Du Moon) - Thomas Christie JKN (Alpharetta Family Karate)
Yuk Ro Ee Dan (Joong Jul) - Wi...