Demonstration consists of Dham Doi Ship E Ro forms that relate to the Yuk Ro forms and their application. It is a rough cut to give the general idea of our proposed demo.
Sparring applications from Joong Jol, Yang Pyun, and Chil Sung Yuk Ro Hyungs. Performed by Region 4 Regional Examiners Rodrigo Cruz Sa Bom and Master Adam Diaz. - Nationals 2014
June 30, 2012: Jared Rosenthal SBN and team perform Yuk Ro 2 Dan Hyung for KJN, participants, guest and officials at 2012 SBD Nationals, Cherry Hill, NJ
Ko Dan Ja Sequenced Sparring Champions, PJ Steyer SBN & Neil Cohn SBN. Unbelievable demonstration of Soo Bahk Do including the interpretations of the Moo Yei Dobo Tong Gi and Moo Pahl Dan Khum...