#1 - #8 Standing series of the 8 Level Brocade is a set of 8 standing Nae Gong (internal) exercises designed to stretch the musculo-skeleton system as well as improve the health of the major organs. ...
This seminar is sponsored by DeJohnette Martial Arts Academy and Evolution Soo Bahk Do. The content of this class will include technical analyses of sparring techniques and basic forms. Additional c...
This video shows the appropriate timing and grouping of technique (Dong Jak). The hyung should be instructed with this grouping of technique so that correct pauses are performed in class. Instruction ...
I enjoy teaching Soo Bahk Do to my students online. Zoom technology makes this level of instruction easy and accessible to a great many people, who otherwis...
Adult Hyung or karate forms team, performing at the US Soo Bahk Do national festival held in Cherry Hill, NJ. This performance was on Saturday, June 30.
Training session conducted on April 22, 2023, for the Silver Moo Do In Program for Zone 2 USA. Training conducted by Craig Hays, Sa bom Nim, Chairman of the USA TAC, instruction on Sip Dan Khum Il Lo...