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2013 Moo Do Value Sparring 1st Demo 6:07 3

2013 Moo Do Value Sparring 1st Demo

Inaugural 5 Moo Do Values Sparring Performed at the 2013 US Moment With The Masters in Ramona, CA by Jared Rosenthal & Rodrigo Cruz
2014 Moo Do Sparring Seminars & Competition 1

2014 Moo Do Sparring Seminars & Competition

2014 TAC Seminars about Moo Do sparring attributes that impact your scoring opportunities
Region 6 moo do values sparring tournament 6:49 0

Region 6 moo do values sparring tournament

Moo Do Values Sparring, Adult Division, 5th through 1st gup
2014 Moo Do Sparring #3 Competition 4:11 1

2014 Moo Do Sparring #3 Competition

Moo Do Sparring division Frank Tsai SBN vs Rodrigo Cruz SBN at 2014 Nationals Salt Lake City, Utah - Nationals 2014
2014 Moo Do Sparring #1 Competition 4:26 1

2014 Moo Do Sparring #1 Competition

Moo Do Sparring division Brian Corrales SBN vs. Jared Rosenthal at 2014 Nationals Salt Lake City, Utah - Nationals 2014
2014 Moo Do Sparring #2 Competition 3:57 1

2014 Moo Do Sparring #2 Competition

Moo Do Sparring division Adam Diaz SBN vs. Frank Tsai SBN at 2014 Nationals Salt Lake City, Utah - Nationals 2014
2014 Moo Do Sparring #4 Competition 4:35 1

2014 Moo Do Sparring #4 Competition

Moo Do sparring division Frank Tsai SBN vs. Brian Corrales SBN at 2014 Nationals Salt Lake City, Utah - Nationals 2014
3 Step Sparring (Sam Soo Sik) Series #1 - #10 & Five Drills 6

3 Step Sparring (Sam Soo Sik) Series #1 - #10 & Five Drills

#1 - #10 Three Step Sparring (Sam Soo Sik) techniques & Five Drills on page for quick access and review
Sparring History And Tradition 7:22 0

Sparring History And Tradition

Jennifer Gibbons, Sa Bom Nim USA TAC explains history and tradition attributes that can be integral to Moo Do sparring at 2014 National Festival held in Salt Lake City, Utah
5 Moo Do Value Sparring Combination 3:46 1

5 Moo Do Value Sparring Combination

Sparring combination taught at the 2017 USA Ko Dan Ja Shim Sa.
2014 Moo Do Sparring Explanation 1:57 0

2014 Moo Do Sparring Explanation

2014 National Festival Sparring - explanation by SBN Craig Hays Little America Hotel, Salt lake City, Utah
2014 Moo Do Sparring Demonstration 4:06 0

2014 Moo Do Sparring Demonstration

Free Sparring Demonstration at the 2014 National Festival Little America Hotel, Salt Lake City, Utah
1 Step Sparring #1-6 Retraction Arm 18:27 0

1 Step Sparring #1-6 Retraction Arm

1 Step Sparring #1-6, emphasis on retraction hand
Sparring Stance 0

Sparring Stance

Sparring Stance
Sparring Stance 0

Sparring Stance

Sparring Stance
US Soo Bahk Do Nationals San Diego 2K6 1:02 0

US Soo Bahk Do Nationals San Diego 2K6

Heavyweight Red Belts. These old guys get down to business during sparring competition. Testosterone is a wonderful motivator!
US Soo Bahk Do Nationals San Diego 2K6 1:02 0

US Soo Bahk Do Nationals San Diego 2K6

Heavyweight Red Belts. These old guys get down to business during sparring competition. Testosterone is a wonderful motivator!
Sparring Discipline and Respect 4:40 0

Sparring Discipline and Respect

Kris Poole Sa Bom Nim USA TAC member explains Discipline and Respect attributes that can be integral to Moo Do sparring at 2014 National Festival held in Salt Lake City, Utah
2014 Moo Do Sparring Rules Summary 1:44 0

2014 Moo Do Sparring Rules Summary

2014 National Festival Sparring - Summary of Rules by SBN Craig Hays Little America Hotel, Salt Lake City, Utah
1 Step Sparring #5-8 review 8:31 0

1 Step Sparring #5-8 review

1 Step Sparring #5-8 review and reps
Green Belt Traditional Health Exercises (Moo Pahl Dan Kuhm) 2:02 0

Green Belt Traditional Health Exercises (Moo Pahl Dan Kuhm)

#5 and #6 Traditional health breathing exercises (Moo Pahl Dan Kuhm)for Green Belts: Number 5 (O Bon) Number 6 (Yuk Bon) Performed by Hu Kyun In Member Frank Shermerhorn Sa Bom Nim
Il Soo Sik Series #1 - #18 3

Il Soo Sik Series #1 - #18

#1 - #18 One step sparring (Ill Soo Sik) techniques on a single page fro quick review. No searching.
5th Gup Green Belt 0

5th Gup Green Belt

5th Gup Green Belt
4th Gup Green Belt 0

4th Gup Green Belt

4th Gup Green Belt
Green Belt 6th Gup 0

Green Belt 6th Gup

6th Gup Green Belt
Green Belt 0

Green Belt

Green Belt


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