A combination of demonstrations performed during the 70th Anniversary of the Moo Duk Kwan in Suwon, South Korea Videos were taken from Facebook postings.Our thanks to all who posted these on Facebook...
JT Scholz, SB, KDSS Follow-up video Part 1. Video of recommendations to improve on what was learned at KDJSS, as per instruction given in Written feedback and TAC/REX/instructor comments. Very Respec...
Part 34 Moo Duk Kwan 70th anniversary demonstrations- Ko Dan ja perform Soo Bahk Do Ki Cho, and Kwan Jang Nim H.C. Hwang does a personal performance of Hwa Sun Hyung to pay tribute to his father, Foun...
Region 1 Members of the Australian Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan Federation took part in the opening ceremony of the 2007 Arafura Games. These are the parts they participated in, in front of 14000 people. ...
#1 Hyuk Youn Kwon Sa Bom Nim Teaches three step sparring (Sam Soo Sik) at Western Connecticut SBD Tournament June 7, 2014 Ridgefield, CT as part of the Soo Bahk Do Foundation Fundraising.
Region 6 has submitted a proposal to host the 2017 National Festival and Ko Dan Ja Shim Sa and Moment With the Masters in Montgomery Texas just north of Houston, Texas at the La Torretta Resort.