Kenyon Sa Bom Nim performs Wang Shu Hyung in 1995 in Korea for Kee Hwang the Founder of the Moo Duk Kwan, at the 50th Anniversary Celebration - Videographer Roberto Bonfonte
US Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan Instructional Guides - White Belt Giecho Hyung Il Bu edited by The Maui Soo Bahk Do MDK NPVT Committee for the US Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan Federation
Silver Moo Do In Zone 2 Session 9 Craig Hays Sa Bom Nim instructing, along with Ken Trevallyn Sa Bom Nim assisting with instruction in Break out Rooms (no video availalble) Sip Dan Khum E Ro hyung and...
Featuring SBN Daniel Bannard, presenting a continuation of KJN's breathing and the Si[ Dan Khum followed by the O Heng, the Five Elements and the Fall season. Hosted by Mr. Guy Chouinard. Lead-in sess...