Soo Bahk Do Messaging ( provides a toal communication and marketing solution for your studiop, club, business, etc. that includes email , text messaging, social media and instant messag...
A short video depicting the experiences of the delegation from the Mexico Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan Federation during their visit to Korea for the Youth Adult Leadership Symposium. Video Submitted by Y...
#1 Hyuk Youn Kwon Sa Bom Nim Teaches three step sparring (Sam Soo Sik) at Western Connecticut SBD Tournament June 7, 2014 Ridgefield, CT as part of the Soo Bahk Do Foundation Fundraising.
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1st time breaking competition for Region 1, Western Connecticut SBD Tournament 2014 highlights, Dan Hyung Competition and more. Frank Tsai, Sa bom Nim and Tournament Director does breaking demonstrati...