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2010 national moo do festival reflections 7:08 0

2010 national moo do festival reflections

animoto video highlighting the 2010 national moo do festival in Cherry Hill, NJ
70th Anniversary Demo 34 13:14 0

70th Anniversary Demo 34

Part 34 Moo Duk Kwan 70th anniversary demonstrations- Ko Dan ja perform Soo Bahk Do Ki Cho, and Kwan Jang Nim H.C. Hwang does a personal performance of Hwa Sun Hyung to pay tribute to his father, Foun...
Dan Hyung Competition 11 0:30 0

Dan Hyung Competition 11

#11 Dan hyung competition at Western Connecticut Soo Bahk Do Tournament June 7, 2014 Ridgefield, CT
Sparring History And Tradition 7:22 0

Sparring History And Tradition

Jennifer Gibbons, Sa Bom Nim USA TAC explains history and tradition attributes that can be integral to Moo Do sparring at 2014 National Festival held in Salt Lake City, Utah
institute short 1 0:42 1

institute short 1

less than a minute institute short video to support the institute
The Value of The Soo Bahk Do Institute 0

The Value of The Soo Bahk Do Institute

The Soo Bahk Do Institute videos have significant importance for the senior, high ranking, martial artist
70th Anniversary Demo Korea (Host Nation) 25 3:14 0

70th Anniversary Demo Korea (Host Nation) 25

Korean Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan Association demonstration by the Host Nation led by
Donggyu Lee, Sa Bom Nim, Designee for Korea 25
Moo Duk Kwan cirica 1960's Joong Ahn Do jang and Kicho 6:41 0

Moo Duk Kwan cirica 1960's Joong Ahn Do jang and Kicho

Here is an old video of the Joong Ahn Dojang and Kicho basics being led by GM HC Hwang. I hope all my Moo Duk Kwan brothers and sisters enjoy this.
Karate Seminar 10-30-2021 0

Karate Seminar 10-30-2021

This seminar is sponsored by DeJohnette Martial Arts Academy and Evolution Soo Bahk Do. The content of this class will include technical analyses of sparring techniques and basic forms. Additional c...
Gran Maestro Hwang Kee 6:25 0

Gran Maestro Hwang Kee

nuestro homenaje a este gran maestro
16th Annual SBDMDK Empire State Tournament 2010 Reflections 3:54 0

16th Annual SBDMDK Empire State Tournament 2010 Reflections

highlighting the 16th annual Empire state tournament
Lemner's Soo Bahk Do School Logo 0:08 1

Lemner's Soo Bahk Do School Logo

Moo Duk Kwan® certified schools can receive a valuable customized video of your school logo like this one or hundreds of other designs simply by requesting it from

Dan Hyung Competition 12 3:57 0

Dan Hyung Competition 12

#12 Dan Hyung competition at Western Connecticut Soo Bahk Do Tournament June 7, 2014 Ridgefield, CT
Dan Hyung Competition 13 2:00 0

Dan Hyung Competition 13

#13 Dan Hyung Competition at Western Connecticut Soo Bahk Do Tournament June 7, 2014 Ridgefield, CT
Dan Hyung Competition 14 2:11 0

Dan Hyung Competition 14

#14 Dan Hyung competition at Western Connecticut Soo Bahk Do Tournament June 7, 2014 Ridgefield, CT
My Dan ID Card, Dated 1969. 0

My Dan ID Card, Dated 1969.

I never received my dan bon papers from the Korean Soo Bahk Do, due to some political issue with Master Ahn converting to Tae Kwon Do in 1969. However, the NYMDK did have these original Association I...
Lomita Park Soo Bahk Do School Logo 0:08 2

Lomita Park Soo Bahk Do School Logo

Moo Duk Kwan® certified schools can receive a valuable customized video of your school logo like this one or hundreds of other designs simply by requesting it from

Karate Demo Team 2012 0

Karate Demo Team 2012

Our Soo Bahk Do Demo Team gave an excellent performance before a live audience at the San Luis Rey Mission's 2012 Christmas in July Celebration.
Karate Demo Team 2012 0

Karate Demo Team 2012

Our Soo Bahk Do Demo Team gave an excellent performance before a live audience at the San Luis Rey Mission's 2012 Christmas in July Celebration.
Camas Soo Bahk Do School Logo 0:08 1

Camas Soo Bahk Do School Logo

Moo Duk Kwan® certified schools can receive a valuable customized video of your school logo like this one or hundreds of other designs simply by requesting it from

Soo Bahk Do Themes 0

Soo Bahk Do Themes

Soo Bahk Do Themes
40th Anniversary Banquet Schermerhorn SBN 18:49 0

40th Anniversary Banquet Schermerhorn SBN

Frank Schermerhorn SBN students of Winding river Soo Bahk Do perform at his 40th anniversary banquet.
Ko Dan Ja Class with Kwan Jang Nim H.C. Hwang 3:27 1

Ko Dan Ja Class with Kwan Jang Nim H.C. Hwang

Multiple classes in 2005 at Fed Hq with Kwan Jang Nim H.C. Hwang and Ko Dan Ja.
Soo Bahk Do Institute Timeline 0

Soo Bahk Do Institute Timeline

Soo Bahk Do Institute Timeline of Site Updates
Western Connecticut Soo Bahk Do Tournament 2014 2:17 0

Western Connecticut Soo Bahk Do Tournament 2014

1st time breaking competition for Region 1, Western Connecticut SBD Tournament 2014 highlights, Dan Hyung Competition and more. Frank Tsai, Sa bom Nim and Tournament Director does breaking demonstrati...
Karate Demo Team 2013 0

Karate Demo Team 2013

Our Soo Bahk Do Demo Team gave an excellent performance before a live audience at the San Luis Rey Mission's 2013 Christmas in July Celebration.
Hwak Kuk Jang Kwon Do Performance and Common Mistakes 1:58 1

Hwak Kuk Jang Kwon Do Performance and Common Mistakes

Demonstration of Soo Bahk Do Gi Cho - Hwak Kuk Jang Kwon Do and description of common challenges


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