Combination hand and feet techniques for Green Belts. (Cho Hap): Low Block Reverse High Knife Hand Attack (Ha Dan Mahk Kee Teulo Sang Dan Soo Do Mahk Kee) Middle Knife Hand Block Back Stance Reverse S...
SMDI Session 28 Lemner SBN Talks about breath, compression, and movement using Il Soo Sik Dae Ryun and Yo Sik. Graham KBN gives a health talk, discussing ways in which to get up from a chair and cou...
My first solo class at local church in Brooklyn, NY 1968. My original instructor, Mr. Mike Masley, would come on Saturday morning to conduct classes and I would teach on Tuesdays and Thursdays on my ...
Unedited Video of Region 2 Candidates get together for some training. Overseen by Regional Examiner, Cort Stinehour SBN at Frampton's Karate in New WIndsor, NY There are 20 parts to this set of vide...
3-D of Mexico flag waving. The flag of Mexico (Spanish: Bandera de México) is a vertical tricolor of green, white, and red with the national coat of arms in the center of the white stripe.
Single Video of #1-#4 Cross Hand Wrist Grips Series of 4 Self defense (Ho Sin Sool) techniques for Green Belts: Cross Wrist Grips Performed by Technical Advisory Committee Member Daymon Kenyon Sa Bom...
#2 Same Side Wrist Grip Self defense technique (Ho Sin Sool) for Green Belts: Same Side Wrist Grip number 2 performed by Technical Advisory Committee Member Daymon Kenyon assisted by Master Dan Segarr...
#4 Same Side Wrist Grip Self defense technique (Ho Sin Sool) for Green Belts: Same Side Wrist Grip number 4 performed by Technical Advisory Committee Member Daymon Kenyon assisted by Master Dan Segarr...