Soo Bahk Do National Festival 2012 - Junior Team Hyung Demonstration by Region 9 June 30, 2012 Cherry Hill, New Jersey For more information and updates on the upcoming documentary, please visit: www.b...
June 30, 2012: Jared Rosenthal SBN and team perform Yuk Ro 2 Dan Hyung for KJN, participants, guest and officials at 2012 SBD Nationals, Cherry Hill, NJ
TAC members Lockwood and Gibbons Sa Bom Nim perform 1 steps 9-12 at 2012 Ko Dan a Shim Sa in Ramona, Ca. Requirements for 4th Gup Green 9-10 and 3rd Gup Red Belts 11-12.
Time eligible members planning to apply for Ko Dan Ja rank and/or Sa Bom Certification are required to submit teaching videos for evaluation as one condition of eligibility to test.
Soo Bahk Do Messaging ( provides a toal communication and marketing solution for your studiop, club, business, etc. that includes email , text messaging, social media and instant messag...