For the December 2, 2018 Growth Teleconference, Master George Broyles has scheduled Sa Bom Nim Joshua Duncan to share his strategies and techniques for generating word-of-mouth advertising for your sc...
Region 6 Members invite you to join them at the LaToretta Lake Resort and Spa August 9-11, 2018 for the 2018 National Festival United States Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan Federation.
Yunuen (Mimi) Singh (DB 46627), Sa Dan Candidate
White Belt Sparring Combination #1
Instructor: Sa Bom Nim George Hoffmeister
School: Edelweiss Korean Karate
Dinesh Raju (DB 45475), Sa Dan and Sa Bom Candidate
Instructor: Sa Bom Nim John Maltby
School: Moo Duk Kwan of North Georgia
Location: Alpharetta, Georgia