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Passing of Sa Bom Nim Hanke 0

Passing of Sa Bom Nim Hanke

Passing of Sa Bom Nim Hanke
Bill Toomey Mr. Teaching 1 25:01 0

Bill Toomey Mr. Teaching 1

Bill Toomey Teaching 1 for 2012 KDJSS Ko Dan Ja Shim Sa
Mr. Vincent Nunno 0

Mr. Vincent Nunno

One of the original East Villiage Karate instructors, another original instructor of mine. The photo you see above is from Black Belt magazine, where he was highlighted as a Moo Duk Kwan instructor. ...
Mr. Robert Sohn, Original Owner Of Five Towns Karate Center 0

Mr. Robert Sohn, Original Owner Of Five Towns Karate Center

One of my original instructors.
As one of my original instructors, it is only fitting that this memorial honor one of the New York Pioneers of Tang Soo Do (Soo Bahk Do) Moo Duk Kwan. On the left, a ...
Mr. Mike Masley And Me Free Sparring 0

Mr. Mike Masley And Me Free Sparring

This was at St. Rita's Church in Queens, NY where we held classes, 1969-70
Mr. Bonefont And Mr. Masley 1

Mr. Bonefont And Mr. Masley

We posed for this picture which was to become part of an ad, 1969-1970.
Mr. Aaron Adams And Mr. Roberto Bonefont, Sr., Free Sparring At KofC Demo In Brooklyn, NY 1970 0

Mr. Aaron Adams And Mr. Roberto Bonefont, Sr., Free Sparring...

K of C Demo Brooklyn, NY 1970, that's me on the floor defending during free sparring demo. Whenever I sparred with Mr. Adams, I found myself on the floor alot. But I learned how to fight from the gr...


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