Moo Duk Kwan martial art school model class instruction of Soo Bahk Do martial art system performed by Technical Advisory Committee Member Jeff Griggs Sa Bom Nim 2011
Optional for 1st Dan thru 5th Dan ranks. Required for 6th (Yuk) Dans. Nai Han Ji Cho Dan Form (Hyung) performed by Technical Advisory Committee Member Daymon Kenyon Sa Bom Nim (Naihanji)
Translated by Ellison Kim
Interpreted by Craig Hays
Sip = Ten
Dan = Levels
Geum = Beautiful or Important
Sip Dan Kum Hyung comes from the Kwon Bup section of the Moo Yei Do Bo Tong. The section of the Moo Yei Do Bo Tong Ji where Sip Dan Kum and Yuk Ro hyung are described was published in “Soo Bahk Do” authored by Moo Duk Kwan Founder Hwang Kee.
Within the Kwon Bup section, it describes the Naega Kwon Bup which can be mastered, allowing for practitioners to strike in all directions with powerful force. The basis of Naega Kwon Bup consisted of 35 training methods and 18 types of footwork. They were classified into Yuk Ro and Sip Dan Kum.
It is not known who wrote this section of the Moo Yei Do Bo Tong Ji or who created the Sip Dan Kum. Nor is it known the exact timing of the Sip Dan Kum creation. Movements of Sip Dan Kum are based on Yuk Ro Hyung, therefore are very similar to practitioners. Based on your mastery of Sip Dan Kum, the movements can be transformed into Deh Ryun applications for offensive and defensive application.
Depending on the time period and where the Ship Dan Kum were practiced, they were performed either as ten exercises or twelve. The exercises were performed differently between Korea and China based on the local influences. In the transition within the Soo Bahk Do publication, 10 exercises were presented.
Sip Dan Kum can be performed individually or with partners in sparring application. Anyone can perform Sip Dan Kum, aside from beginners, to build mastery of Kwon Bup.
Sip Dan Kum has significant historical importance since it is from the Moo Yei Do Bo Tong Ji and has the same lineage as Yuk Ro Hyung. It is a special set of exercises since they having traditional, historical significance and can be performed with or without partners.
I can't remember the details like names and location, but this demo was back in 2002. We had some visitors from Korea come to the west coast and did some demonstrations. Myself, my wife and brother ...
soo bahk do demonstration in Seoul, South Korea in 1989, Tang Soo Do at the time, but if you'll notice, in Korea the banner above the stage says Soo Bahk Do.