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soobahkdoinstitute ad 1 7:22 1

soobahkdoinstitute ad 1

a paid subscriber service from the US Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan Federation, Inc. Studio Owners and federation members received great discounts on subscription service. Valid to any serious student or...
2014 Moo Do Sparring #4 Competition 4:35 1

2014 Moo Do Sparring #4 Competition

Moo Do sparring division Frank Tsai SBN vs. Brian Corrales SBN at 2014 Nationals Salt Lake City, Utah - Nationals 2014
Anthony Sylvester KDJSS 2015-1 20:00 1

Anthony Sylvester KDJSS 2015-1

Teaching Video Anthony Sylvester KDJSS 2015-1
Region 1 & 2 training with Bonsignore SBN, Charter Member, Part 3 12:11 1

Region 1 & 2 training with Bonsignore SBN, Charter Member, P...

sei shan hyung review and il soo sik warm up exercises
sbdi ad  2 7:01 1

sbdi ad 2

another test video to see editing
2019 KDJSS Jim Johnson Teaching 25:12 1

2019 KDJSS Jim Johnson Teaching

This is my teaching video of our class on him cho chung. We were discussing not only having control in our techniques, but also in our emotions, and everyday life. I had to cut out a few pieces due to...
Combination Techniques 3:28 1

Combination Techniques

1st Red Combination Techniques
Um Yang Application 4:22 1

Um Yang Application

Application of Um Yang in your training by H.C. Hwang. Video and editing by Master Jack Helfgott
John Tengco KDJSS 2015-1 19:30 1

John Tengco KDJSS 2015-1

KDJSS 2015 Video Submission John Tengco
2014 Kodanja Hyung #1 2:41 1

2014 Kodanja Hyung #1

Susan Fittanto SBN Nationals 2014 Salt Lake City, Utah - Nationals 2014
institute short 1 0:42 1

institute short 1

less than a minute institute short video to support the institute
John Kim Sa Bom Nim Demonstration - 2019 Nationals 1:52 1

John Kim Sa Bom Nim Demonstration - 2019 Nationals

John Kim Sa Bom Nim performs Kyuk Pa and Ship Dan Kuhm.
John Juliano Teaching 1 22:44 1

John Juliano Teaching 1

John Juliano Teaching 1 for 2012 KDJSS Ko Dan Ja Shim Sa
Joseph Fry KDJSS 2015-1 21:55 1

Joseph Fry KDJSS 2015-1

Joseph Fry KDJSS teaching video 2015-1
KJN H.C. Hwang short presentation on training tips and history of  US Federation leadership 9:50 1

KJN H.C. Hwang short presentation on training tips and histo...

training tips and history of US Federation leadership
Subscribe to the Soo Bahk Do Institute, it's worth it! 5:04 1

Subscribe to the Soo Bahk Do Institute, it's worth it!

Subscribe to the Soo Bahk Do Institute, it's worth it!
Jeremy Spence KDJSS 2015-1 22:47 1

Jeremy Spence KDJSS 2015-1

This class was on Technique (Ki Sool) focusing on the concept of contraction and expansion by Jeremy Spence KDJSS 2015-1
Anthony Sylvester KDJSS 2015-2 26:11 1

Anthony Sylvester KDJSS 2015-2

Teaching Video 2 Anthony Sylvester
youth leaders Mexico 4:15 1

youth leaders Mexico

A short video depicting the experiences of the delegation from the Mexico Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan Federation during their visit to Korea for the Youth Adult Leadership Symposium. Video Submitted by Y...
Pyung Ahn Cho Dan  - 2017 USA Ko Dan Ja 1:56 1

Pyung Ahn Cho Dan - 2017 USA Ko Dan Ja

Analysis of the opening sequence of Pyung Ahn Cho Dan at the 2017 USA Ko Dan Ja Shim Sa.
2005 22nd Ko Dan Ja Shim Sa 54:20 1

2005 22nd Ko Dan Ja Shim Sa

22nd Ko Dan Ja Shim Sa Ramona, California 2005
PVT II  Introduced by Kwan Jang Nim at Hwarang Camp 2014 Part 1 39:54 1

PVT II Introduced by Kwan Jang Nim at Hwarang Camp 2014 Par...

PVT II introduced by Kwan Jang Nim H.C. Hwang at Hwarang Camp 2014 Pine Bush, NY
There's No App For That v3 0:16 1

There's No App For That v3

Moo Duk Kwan® certified schools can receive a valuable customized video of your school logo like this one or hundreds of other designs simply by requesting it from
Moo Do Values in Sparring App - Part 3 0:48 1

Moo Do Values in Sparring App - Part 3

2012 Moment With The Masters Seminar - Kwan Jang Nim H.C. Hwang explains the Philosophy (Part 3) exercise of the Moo Do Value application in Sparring at the 2012 Moment With The Masters in Ramona, CA.
Hwang Kee's Legacy V1 0:07 1

Hwang Kee's Legacy V1

Hwang Kee's Legacy V1
Moo Do Values In Sparring Applications - Kwan Jang NIm H.C. Hwang 6:59 1

Moo Do Values In Sparring Applications - Kwan Jang NIm H.C. ...

KJN H.C. Hwang at MWM 2012, edited video to make more viewable.
Vintage vid mdktsd korea 2 1:07 1

Vintage vid mdktsd korea 2

black and white film of early MDK in Korea

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