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Il Soo Sik 11-18 12:37 1

Il Soo Sik 11-18

Il Soo Sik 11-18 explained at the 2017 USA Ko Dan Ja Shim Sa.
2019 KDJSS Mike Griffin Teaching 18:09 1

2019 KDJSS Mike Griffin Teaching

2019 KDJSS Teaching Video for Mike Griffin Jo Kyo
Moo Duk Kwan 75th Anniversary Steven Lemner Interview 1

Moo Duk Kwan 75th Anniversary Steven Lemner Interview

Perspectives on Moo Duk Kwan experience by Steven Lemner
Lower Sleeve Grips 7:27 1

Lower Sleeve Grips

Lower Sleeve Grips explained at the 2017 USA Ko Dan Ja Shim Sa.
Moo Duk Kwan 75th Anniversary Cort Stinehour Interview 1

Moo Duk Kwan 75th Anniversary Cort Stinehour Interview

Moo Duk Kwan perspectives of Ko Dan Ja Cort Stinehour.
PVT II introduced to Region 2 Hwarang Camp 2014 14:05 1

PVT II introduced to Region 2 Hwarang Camp 2014

Kwan Jang Nim H.C. Hwang introduces the PVT II, plus PVT II testimony by Chu and Lalieu Sa bom Nim.
Chil Sung Yuk Ro 7:47 1

Chil Sung Yuk Ro

Detailed instruction of Chil Sung Yuk Ro performed at the 2017 Ko Dan Ja Shim Sa by Jeff Griggs Sa Bom Nim, TAC Ki Sul Bu
Dragons Class Aug 21 42:22 1

Dragons Class Aug 21

Testing review for Double Orange - Double Red
Moo Duk Kwan 75th Anniversary Robert E Beaudoin USA Pioneer Tribute 1

Moo Duk Kwan 75th Anniversary Robert E Beaudoin USA Pioneer ...

Tribute to US Moo Duk Kwan Pioneer Robert Beaudoin.
Keith Lambert Teaching 2014-1 19:17 1

Keith Lambert Teaching 2014-1

Keith Lambert, Dan Bon 43703, teaching class video for 2014 KDJSS requirements. Theme: Technique (Ki Sool) focus on Preparation, Targeting, and Striking surface. Maintaining good Mo Doo Jaseh with a ...
Moo Duk Kwan 75th Anniversary UK History 1

Moo Duk Kwan 75th Anniversary UK History

A history of the Moo Duk Kwan in the United Kingdom.
3 Step Sparring #9 (Sam Soo Sik Dae Ryun #9) 0:44 1

3 Step Sparring #9 (Sam Soo Sik Dae Ryun #9)

3 Step Sparring (Sam Soo Sik Dae Ryun) performed by Technical Advisory Committee Members: Daymon Kenyon, Sa Bom Nim Craig Hays, Sa Bom Nim. Performance of #9.
Regina Anguiano Teaching 2014-1 26:51 1

Regina Anguiano Teaching 2014-1

Regina Anguiano Sa Dan Candidate Teaching Video for Ko Dan Ja Shim Sa KDJSS 2014
Bong Ho Sin Sul - Thrust 16:53 1

Bong Ho Sin Sul - Thrust

Bong (staff) defense is explained in detail against a thrust as taught at the 2017 Ko Dan Ja Shim Sa.
Sip Dan Khum Hyung 8 (Pal Ro) 1:27:55 1

Sip Dan Khum Hyung 8 (Pal Ro)

Zoom session instruction of Sip Dan Khum Hyung 8 (Pal Ro) by Kwan Jang Nim H.C. Hwang and Craig Hays Sa Bom Nim
Moo Duk Kwan 75th Anniversary Joe Weeks USA Pioneer 1

Moo Duk Kwan 75th Anniversary Joe Weeks USA Pioneer

Interview with Master Joe Weeks, detailing his history in the Moo Duk Kwan. From Korea in the early 60s to the US after 1962.
70th Anniversary Demo Korea Part 2 26 11:31 1

70th Anniversary Demo Korea Part 2 26

Korea Part 2 Kyo Pa Demo by representatives of the Korean Soo Bahk Do 70th anniversary demonstrations 26
Moo Duk Kwan 75th Anniversary Iceland Demonstration 1

Moo Duk Kwan 75th Anniversary Iceland Demonstration

Iceland demonstration for the Moo Duk Kwan 75th Anniversary
Medy Wundrow Teaching 2014-1 24:30 1

Medy Wundrow Teaching 2014-1

KDJSS 2014 Teaching Video theme: Him Cho Chung- control of power based on circumstantial use. Targeting with power control using pahkero/ahneso cha gi and kap kwon teul oh choong dan kong kyuk. Puttin...
Sip Dan Khum Hyung 9 (Gu Ro) 1:26:25 1

Sip Dan Khum Hyung 9 (Gu Ro)

Zoom session instruction of Sip Dan Khum Hyung 9 (Gu Ro) by Kwan Jang Nim H.C. Hwang and Craig Hays Sa Bom Nim
Moo Duk Kwan 75th Anniversary Italy History 1

Moo Duk Kwan 75th Anniversary Italy History

75th Anniversary of the Moo Duk Kwan - Italy History
Chil Sung Form 1 (Chil Sung Il Ro Hyung) 2:20 1

Chil Sung Form 1 (Chil Sung Il Ro Hyung)

Chil Sung - Song Form 1 (Chil Sung Il Ro Hyung) for Red Belts. Performed by Kwan Jang Nim H. C. Hwang
Robert Maderazo Teaching 2014-1 20:10 1

Robert Maderazo Teaching 2014-1

2014 Ko Dan Ja Shim Sa Teaching Video.
Theme: Shin Chook
Focus: Creating power for offensive and defensive techniques
Core content: Use of breath to create tension
Moo Duk Kwan 75th Anniversary Iceland History 1

Moo Duk Kwan 75th Anniversary Iceland History

A history of the Moo Duk Kwan in Iceland.
Joong Jeol Hyung Yuk Ro Form 2 1:56 1

Joong Jeol Hyung Yuk Ro Form 2

2nd Dan requirement. Yuk Ro Form 2 - Joong Jeol Hyung performed by Kwan Jang Nim H.C. Hwang. (Variant misspellings and romanizations Jung Jol, Jong Jul, Joong Jool)
Moo Duk Kwan 75th Anniversary Philippines Demonstration 1

Moo Duk Kwan 75th Anniversary Philippines Demonstration

Philippines Demonstration for Moo Duk Kwan 75th Anniversary
Moo Duk Kwan 75th Anniversary Philippines History 1

Moo Duk Kwan 75th Anniversary Philippines History

A historical perspective on the evolution of the Moo Duk Kwan in the Philippines.
Pi Cha Gi History and Application 2 5:57 1

Pi Cha Gi History and Application 2

H.C. Hwang Kwan Jang Nim shares the history of the Pi Cha Gi and demonstrates its application in sparring with Rodrigo Cruz
Moo Duk Kwan 75th Anniversary Celebration 1

Moo Duk Kwan 75th Anniversary Celebration

Join us as we celebrate the 75th Anniversary of the Moo Duk Kwan on November 9, 2020. Demonstrations and recognitions from significant Tae Kwon Do, Tang Soo ...

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