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Michael Masley Jr Dan Bon 10180 6:17 3

Michael Masley Jr Dan Bon 10180

Moo Duk Kwan Memorials, a short video tribute to Michael Masley, Jr., Dan Bon 10180.
Yuk Ro Form 3 (Po Wol) Hyung 2:05 3

Yuk Ro Form 3 (Po Wol) Hyung

Kwan Jang Nim H.C. Hwang demonstrates Po Wol Hyung (Yuk Ro 3 Sam Dan)
Choong Ro Hyung 2:25 3

Choong Ro Hyung

Kwan Jang Nim H.C. Hwang demonstrates Choong Ro Hyung (Yuk Ro Yuk Dan)
Sip Dan Khum Hyung Preview 0:14 3

Sip Dan Khum Hyung Preview


Translated by Ellison Kim
Interpreted by Craig Hays

Sip = Ten
5 Moo Do Values Sparring Demo 3:53 3

5 Moo Do Values Sparring Demo

2013 Ko Dan Ja Candidates Demonstration video of 5 Moo Do Values sparring in action. Final Candidate version.
Share The Art Introduction (S.T.A.R.T.) 3:55 3

Share The Art Introduction (S.T.A.R.T.)

Share The Art (S.T.A.R.T.) Introduction by Kwan Jang Nim H.C. Hwang
Jen Rupert Teaching 2013 -1 20:24 3

Jen Rupert Teaching 2013 -1

KDJSS Teaching video 2013 -1 by Jen Rupert
Sip Dan Khum Sip Dan 1:38 3

Sip Dan Khum Sip Dan

interpretation of Sip Dan Khum 10
Demo R5 Sip Dan Kuhm Sa Ro Hyung 1:05 2

Demo R5 Sip Dan Kuhm Sa Ro Hyung

Sa Bom Nim Ron Strong and Cark Vonck demo in R5 April 13, 2019
Knife Defense Series #1 - #5 2

Knife Defense Series #1 - #5

#1 - #5 Knife Defense techniques (Dhando Tanto) on one page for quick sequential viewing. No searching.
White Belt Traditional Health Exercises Moo Pahl Dan Khum 1:45 2

White Belt Traditional Health Exercises Moo Pahl Dan Khum

#1 and #2 Traditional Health Exercises (Moo Pahl Dan Kuhm 3 Sam Bon) for White Belts. These exercises were derived from the Eight Brocade Method of the Yang Style of Tai Chi (Moo Pahl Dan Kuhm) Perfor...
Pyong Ahn Hyung Series #1 - #5 2

Pyong Ahn Hyung Series #1 - #5

#1 - #5 Pyong Ahn Series of Hyung on one page for quick sequential viewing. No searching.
James Johnson KDJSS Followup 2014-2 8:35 2

James Johnson KDJSS Followup 2014-2

Second follow up video for James Johnson for KDJSS 2014
2013 Moo Do Sparring Introduction 7:15 2

2013 Moo Do Sparring Introduction

Moo Do sparring concept based on the Kwan Jang Nim's vision, the TAC introduces their experimental Moo Do Ja Yu Dae Ryun at the 2013 National Festival and Dan Leadership Conference in Cherry Hill, NJ
Front Snap Kick Tips (Ahp Cha Nut Gi) 3:36 2

Front Snap Kick Tips (Ahp Cha Nut Gi)

Dae Kyu Chang, Sa Bom Nim USA TAC explains exercises to improve control of toes, ankles, and hips for stronger Front Snap Kick Ahp Cha Nut Gi technique
Chil Sung Hyung Series #1 - #7 2

Chil Sung Hyung Series #1 - #7

#1 - #7 Chil Sung Hyung #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 on one page for quick review. No searching required.
2017 Festival Promo 0:06 2

2017 Festival Promo

The City Knows About The 2017 Festival
Moo Duk Kwan Demo 1957 1:14 2

Moo Duk Kwan Demo 1957

Leader also (mudeokgwan) Demonstration
Moo Duk Kwan Demonstration also presented in the news
- Date: November 13, 1957
- Location: sigonggwan
Chuck Holland KDJSS Followup 2014-2 7:20 2

Chuck Holland KDJSS Followup 2014-2

Chuck Holland 2014 Ko Dan Ja O Dan candidate evaluation video 2/2. Staying relaxed in upper body during Soo Gi exercise. More consistent connection of breath with physical movement.
Regina Anguiano KDJSS Followup 2014-2 6:19 2

Regina Anguiano KDJSS Followup 2014-2

KDJSS 2014 Video #2 Regina Anguiano KDJSS Followup 2014-2
Silver Moo Do In - Session 17 57:37 2

Silver Moo Do In - Session 17

Quarterly WTAC sponsored Silver Moo Do In Training Session 17
Wrist Grips Two On One 1:47 2

Wrist Grips Two On One

Ho Sin Sul - Two On One Wrist Grips
Silver Moo Do In - Session 8 - May 20, 2023 19:37 2

Silver Moo Do In - Session 8 - May 20, 2023

Ramiro Guzman, World TAC, Mexico Designee, teaches the Sip Dan Khum Il Ro Two Partner Drill for the 8th session of the Silver Moo Do In WTAC Program - Zoom Session conducted 20 May 2023
Bong Defense Series #1 - #4 2

Bong Defense Series #1 - #4

#1 - #4 Bong Defense Techniques and variants on one page for quick access and review
Chil Sung Form 1 (Chil Sung Il Ro Hyung) 2:16 2

Chil Sung Form 1 (Chil Sung Il Ro Hyung)

4th Gup Green Belt requirement Chil Sung - Song Form 1 (Chil Sung Il Ro Hyung) performed by Kwan Jang Nim H.C. Hwang
Du Mun - Timing of hyung sequences 2:38 2

Du Mun - Timing of hyung sequences

This video shows the appropriate timing and grouping of technique (Dong Jak). The hyung should be instructed with this grouping of technique so that correct pauses are performed in class. Instruction ...
Chil Sung Form 2 (Chil Sung E Ro Hyung) 1:22 2

Chil Sung Form 2 (Chil Sung E Ro Hyung)

Chil Sung - Song Form 2 (Chil Sung E Ro Hyung) for Green Belts. Performed by: Kwan Jang Nim H.C. Hwang
Silver Moo Do In Session 9 Jun 17th 2023 1:18:04 2

Silver Moo Do In Session 9 Jun 17th 2023

Session 9 of the Silver Moo Do In Zone 2 Zoom Training Gallery View only, No shared Screen Video or Breakout Room Video
2017 Tomball Soo Bahk Do Demonstration for Competition 1:59 2

2017 Tomball Soo Bahk Do Demonstration for Competition

Tomball Demonstration Team shows the north-south line of Jindo Hyung and the East-West line of Nah Han Ji Hyung. Also included are examples of techniques from the hyung as used for self-defense. 2017

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