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2014 KDJSS Trixie Melton KDJSS Followup-2 11:37 1

2014 KDJSS Trixie Melton KDJSS Followup-2

KDJSS 2014 Follow Up Video #2 - Trixie Melton
Orange Basic Form 3 1:07 1

Orange Basic Form 3

Basic Form 3 (Ki Cho Hyung Sam Bu) for Orange Belts. Performed by Kwan Jang Nim H. C. Hwang
Sleeve Lower Double Grips #1 - #2 1:23 1

Sleeve Lower Double Grips #1 - #2

Ho Sin Sul - Double Lower Sleeve Grabs
Partner Drill - Prevent Opponent From Blocking Your Front Kick 1:01 1

Partner Drill - Prevent Opponent From Blocking Your Front Ki...

Ken Trevellyan Sa Bom Nim shares a partner drill for preventing opponents defense of front snap kick
Passai Form 1 (Passai E Cho Hyung) 1:47 1

Passai Form 1 (Passai E Cho Hyung)

1st (Cho) Dan requirement Passai Form 1(Passai E Cho Hyung)performed by Technical Advisory Committee Member Daymon Kenyon, Sa Bom Nim
Nai Han Ji Ee Dan Mirror 0:57 1

Nai Han Ji Ee Dan Mirror

SBN Beiermann and SBN Boland performing a Nai Han Ji (Naihanchi) Ee Dan mirror image at the Region 5 Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan Tournament in Novi, MI.
Silver Moo Do In Session 9  Jun 17th 2023 1:18:04 1

Silver Moo Do In Session 9 Jun 17th 2023

Silver Moo Do In Zone 2 Session 9 Craig Hays Sa Bom Nim instructing, along with Ken Trevallyn Sa Bom Nim assisting with instruction in Break out Rooms (no video availalble) Sip Dan Khum E Ro hyung and...
Ho Sin Sul Grip Drill 1:35 1

Ho Sin Sul Grip Drill

Ho Sin Sul Joint Lock Gripping Drill. This drill teaches the foundations of proper control of the partner's hand in performing join locks.
Moo Pahl Dan Kuhm Series #1 - #8 14:15 1

Moo Pahl Dan Kuhm Series #1 - #8

#1 - #8 Standing series of the 8 Level Brocade is a set of 8 standing Nae Gong (internal) exercises designed to stretch the musculo-skeleton system as well as improve the health of the major organs. ...
Moo Pahl Dan Khum Series #1 - #8 1

Moo Pahl Dan Khum Series #1 - #8

#1 - #8 Moo Pahal Dan Khum and Resources
Silver Moo Do In - Session 10 -  July 15, 2023 1:4:22 1

Silver Moo Do In - Session 10 - July 15, 2023

Silver Moo Do In Zone 2 Training Session 10 Gallery View Only with Sip Dan Khum E Ro hyung, instructed by Craig Hays Sa Bom Nim, USA TAC Chairman.
Silver Moo Do In - Session 10 1:4:14 1

Silver Moo Do In - Session 10

Session 10 Silver Moo Do In Training for Zone 2 USA/Canada, instruction by Craig Hays Sa Bom Nim, TAC Chairman, providing insight on directing your Chi through proper neh gung breathing, and Sip Dan K...
WMA 70th Anniversary Proposal Demo 4:01 1

WMA 70th Anniversary Proposal Demo

Demonstration consists of Dham Doi Ship E Ro forms that relate to the Yuk Ro forms and their application. It is a rough cut to give the general idea of our proposed demo.

Brian Corrales
1 Step Sparring 9 and 10 (Il Soo Sik Dae Ryun) 1:58 1

1 Step Sparring 9 and 10 (Il Soo Sik Dae Ryun)

1 Step Sparring exercises (Il Soo Sik Dae Ryun) for Green Belts: number 9 (Gu Bon) and number 10 (Ship Bon) Performed by Technical Advisory Committee Members Daymon Kenyon Sa Bom Nim Craig Hays Sa Bom...
Demo Argentina 70 aniversario 5:31 1

Demo Argentina 70 aniversario

Demostración propuesta por la delegación Argentina
Mark Daily Kyo Sa Teaching 1 18:05 1

Mark Daily Kyo Sa Teaching 1

Kyo Sa Mark Daily KDJSS Candidate Model class teaching 1
Yang Pyun Hyung Demonstration 1:22 1

Yang Pyun Hyung Demonstration

Viera Soo Bahk Do demonstration at town's winter festival 2014. Performed by Rodrigo Cruz.
Green Combination Techniques - Cho Hap 5:29 1

Green Combination Techniques - Cho Hap

Combination hand and feet techniques for Green Belts. (Cho Hap): Low Block Reverse High Knife Hand Attack (Ha Dan Mahk Kee Teulo Sang Dan Soo Do Mahk Kee) Middle Knife Hand Block Back Stance Reverse S...
Pi Cha Gi Instruction 2:20 1

Pi Cha Gi Instruction

Sa Bom Nim Craig Hays explains execution of Pi Cha Gi
Little Dragons - Orange Stripe - Double Punch with 3 levels 2:39 1

Little Dragons - Orange Stripe - Double Punch with 3 levels

Little Dragons - Orange Stripe Horse Stance Punches 3 levels
Seated Sparring (Jua Deh Ryun) Series #1 - #5 1

Seated Sparring (Jua Deh Ryun) Series #1 - #5

#1 - #5 Examples of seated sparring (Jua Deh Ryun) maneuvers
Kicking Combinations - Advancing forward for sparring 3:52 1

Kicking Combinations - Advancing forward for sparring

Jared Rosentahl, Sa Bom Nim shows spinning kick combinations for beginners to advanced students.

Today I would like to share some
kicking combinations. I believe these
combinations can se...
Demo proposed - Youth Leadership Program 2:42 1

Demo proposed - Youth Leadership Program

This video is from Youth Leadership Program on the World.
Our idea is to show a simple and basic form as Il su sik daeryon , and its aplication to the Moo Do Combat.
Il su sik daeryon is a basic f...
Green Belt Foot Techniques (Jok Ki) 2:20 1

Green Belt Foot Techniques (Jok Ki)

Foot techniques (Jok Gi) for Orange Belts: Inside to Outside Snap Kick (Ahneso Pahkuro Cha Gi) Outside to Inside Snap Kick (Pahkeso Ahnuro Cha Gi) Stepping Roundhouse Kick (Dollyo Cha Gi with step) Fa...
WMDK 70th Anniversary Demos - Australia Region 2 2:07 1

WMDK 70th Anniversary Demos - Australia Region 2

Demonstration by members of Region 2, Australia.
Hwak Kuk Jang Kap Kwon - Proper Performance and Common Mistakes 1:47 1

Hwak Kuk Jang Kap Kwon - Proper Performance and Common Mista...

This video demonstrates how to properly perform Hwak Kuk Jang Kap Kwon. Jeff Griggs Sa Bom Nim also provides insight into common challenges.
Federación Mexicana de Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan 4:45 1

Federación Mexicana de Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan

Video submission for the 70th Anniversary, on behalf of Pilar Leguel, Sa bom Nim for Guzman Sa Bom Nim,
Hwa Sun - Mae Bok Sae Instruction 1:34 1

Hwa Sun - Mae Bok Sae Instruction

Performance and instruction on how to perform the sitting motion in Hwa Sun (Mae Bok Sae).

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