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Little Dragons Level 1 - Punches DI 2:44 0

Little Dragons Level 1 - Punches DI

Punching techniques required for the Little Dragons Level 1-2 training. White Belt - White Belt with Orange Stripe

Double Center Punch
Center Punch
Hammer Fist

Lomita Park student video by Jo...
How To Host a Successful Kick-a-thon 4:29 0

How To Host a Successful Kick-a-thon

Sa Bom Nim James Harwood explains the opportunities and benefits of hosting a kick-a-thon fundraising event at at studio and demonstrates the easy setup and execution of a kick-a-thon.

Each kick-a...
American Air Force Personnel in Korea Demonstration 6:02 4

American Air Force Personnel in Korea Demonstration

A film by Frank Bonsignore, Sa bom Nim, he filmed this demonstration in Korea, features a young master, can you spot that person.
Maximize Your Impact Power 3:11 0

Maximize Your Impact Power

Craig Hays, Sa Bom Nim of USA TAC discusses the physics of movement that can maximize your striking and kicking impact power.
Little Dragons Level 1 Punches 2:44 0

Little Dragons Level 1 Punches

Punching techniques needed to complete Little Dragons Level 1, White Belt to White Belt with Orange Stripe.

Lomita Park student video by Josh Duncan Sa Bom Nim
Little Dragons Level 1 Blocks 2:04 0

Little Dragons Level 1 Blocks

Blocking Techniques needed to complete Little Dragons Level 1. White Belt to White Belt with Orange Stripe

Lomita Park student video by Josh Duncan Sa Bom Nim
2013 Moo Do Sparring Introduction 7:15 2

2013 Moo Do Sparring Introduction

Moo Do sparring concept based on the Kwan Jang Nim's vision, the TAC introduces their experimental Moo Do Ja Yu Dae Ryun at the 2013 National Festival and Dan Leadership Conference in Cherry Hill, NJ
How to Find Fulfillment at Work - YouTube 1:34 0

How to Find Fulfillment at Work - YouTube

Simon Senek How to Find Fulfillment at Work - YouTube
2013 KDJSS Adrianne Hassinger Teaching 21:20 1

2013 KDJSS Adrianne Hassinger Teaching

Adrianne Hassinger Dan Bon 43286 Teaching video submission for 2013 Ko Dan Ja Shim Sa 2013-1
Pyong Ahn Cho Dan Part 4 of 4 - Uido Concept & Partial PVT Presentation 15:15 1

Pyong Ahn Cho Dan Part 4 of 4 - Uido Concept & Partial PVT P...

Final Part 4 of 4 Kwan Jang Nim H.C. Hwang teaching Pyong Ahn Cho Dan -Uido Concept
Pyong Ahn Cho Dan Part 3 of 4 - Uido Concept 15:15 0

Pyong Ahn Cho Dan Part 3 of 4 - Uido Concept

Part 3 of 4 Kwan Jang Nim H.C. Hwang teaching Pyong Ahn Cho Dan (Pyung Ahn Cho Dan) - Uido Concept
Bill Milberger Dan Bon 27713 4:43 1

Bill Milberger Dan Bon 27713

Moo Duk Kwan Memorial video tribute for Bill Milberger Dan Bon 27713.
H.C. Hwang Addresses 131st Dan Shim Sa Attendees 1:41 0

H.C. Hwang Addresses 131st Dan Shim Sa Attendees

Kwan Jang Nim H.C. Hwang addressing the candidates and parents at the 131st Dan Shim Sa in Carney's Point, New Jersey at Salem Community College
Chil Sung Il Ro Demo 2:35 0

Chil Sung Il Ro Demo

Chil Sung Il Ro Hyung Il Ro performed by Ko Dan Ja at the 131st Dan Shim Sa in Carney's Point, New Jersey at Salem Community College.
Michael Masley Jr Dan Bon 10180 6:17 3

Michael Masley Jr Dan Bon 10180

Moo Duk Kwan Memorials, a short video tribute to Michael Masley, Jr., Dan Bon 10180.
Terry Updike Dan Bon 18480 3:27 0

Terry Updike Dan Bon 18480

Moo Duk Kwan Memorial, a short video tribute to Terry Updike, Sa bom Nim.
Pyong Ahn Cho Dan Part 2 of 4 - Uido Concept 15:15 1

Pyong Ahn Cho Dan Part 2 of 4 - Uido Concept

Part 2 of 4 - Kwan Jang Nim H.C. Hwang teaching Pyong Ahn Cho Dan (Pyung Ahn Cho Dan) - Uido Concept
Pyong Ahn Cho Dan Part 1 of 4 - Uido Concept 15:14 0

Pyong Ahn Cho Dan Part 1 of 4 - Uido Concept

Part 1 of 4 - Kwan Jang Nim H.C. Hwang teaching Pyong Ahn Cho Dan (Pyung Ahn Cho Dan) - Uido Concept. Short videos with H.C. Hwang Kwan Jang Nim teaching concepts behind hyung practice.
Mary Ann Walsh Dan Bon 17926 4:17 1

Mary Ann Walsh Dan Bon 17926

Memorial Tribute Mary Ann Walsh, Sa Bom Nim.
Fundraiser Appeal For The Love of Animals 9:08 0

Fundraiser Appeal For The Love of Animals

Bill Nelson, Sa Bom Nim appeals to Ellen DeGeneres: Hi Ellen, I am going to break all these boards to benefit animals and show how you can help.

This video is about raising public awareness and ...
Du Moon (Mun) Hyung - Yuk Ro Form 1 Performance Tips 5:51 2

Du Moon (Mun) Hyung - Yuk Ro Form 1 Performance Tips

Performance Tips for Yuk Ro Hyung form #1 Du Moon (Mun) by Kwang Jang Nim H.C. Hwang
Sip Dan Khum Ee Lo V2 0:55 0

Sip Dan Khum Ee Lo V2

Interpretation of Sip Dan Khum Ee Lo
1993 Ko Dan Ja Shim Sa 2 of 2 1:5:41 0

1993 Ko Dan Ja Shim Sa 2 of 2

1993 Ko Dan Ja Shim Sa 2 of 2
1993 Ko Dan Ja Shim Sa 1 of 2 1:39:46 0

1993 Ko Dan Ja Shim Sa 1 of 2

1993 Ko Dan Ja Shim Sa 1 of 2
Pi Cha Gi History and Application 2 5:57 1

Pi Cha Gi History and Application 2

H.C. Hwang Kwan Jang Nim shares the history of the Pi Cha Gi and demonstrates its application in sparring with Rodrigo Cruz

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