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1987 Ko Dan Ja Shim Sa 2:2:42 4

1987 Ko Dan Ja Shim Sa

1987 Ko Dan Ja Shim Sa Springfield New Jersey candidates performing for test filmed by Frank Bonsignore, Sa Bom Nim.

Ted Mason 12895
Mary Ann Walsh 17926
Frank Bonsignore 15805

Kieko Mason 190...
Just When You Think No One Is Looking 4:35 0

Just When You Think No One Is Looking

Thought provoking video suggesting the power of our personal example of our Moo Do values, even when we think no one is looking.

Music by: Give A Little Love - Noah And The Whale
40th Anniversary Banquet Schermerhorn SBN 18:49 0

40th Anniversary Banquet Schermerhorn SBN

Frank Schermerhorn SBN students of Winding river Soo Bahk Do perform at his 40th anniversary banquet.
Physics and Philosophy of Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan 3:27 0

Physics and Philosophy of Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan

Kwan Jang Nim explaining Physics and Philosophy of Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan.
Guardians 2 Part 2 1:9:59 0

Guardians 2 Part 2

Kwan Jang Nim's Ko Dan Ja Clinic at Guardians 2, Part 2 in Region 2 Springfield, New Jersey Dec 8th, 2012
Guardians 2 Part 1 1:24:51 0

Guardians 2 Part 1

Kwan Jang Nim's Ko Dan Ja Seminar at Guardians 2, Part 1 in Region 2 Springfield, New Jersey Dec 8, 2012
Korean News Clip of 2012 Korean Ko Dan Ja Shim Sa 9:12 2

Korean News Clip of 2012 Korean Ko Dan Ja Shim Sa

2012 Korean Ko Dan Ja Shim Sa featured in Korean News Clip
Naihanchi Hyung Applications 5:25 0

Naihanchi Hyung Applications

Guardian 2 Seminars Region 2 Fundraiser Bonsignore Sa Bom Nim - brief video of naihanchi cho dan application
Guardians 2 Seminars Region 2 3:44 0

Guardians 2 Seminars Region 2

Region 2 Fundraiser brief videos of the Guardians 2 multiple seminar event.
Guardian 2 Seminars Region 2 1:20 0

Guardian 2 Seminars Region 2

Region 2 fundraiser - brief videos of the Guardians of the Art 2 multiple seminar event.
2011 Korea Ko Dan Ja Shim Sa, Anseong, Korea 3:42 0

2011 Korea Ko Dan Ja Shim Sa, Anseong, Korea

Chil Sung Chil Ro Hyung performances during the 2011 Korea Ko Dan Ja Shim Sa.

Filmed by John Kim Kyo Sa
2012 KJN HC Hwang Address 22:56 0

2012 KJN HC Hwang Address

Ver 2 - Kwan Jang Nim H.C. Hwang Address 2012 Nationals
One Step Sparring 9 to 12 1:22 1

One Step Sparring 9 to 12

TAC members Lockwood and Gibbons Sa Bom Nim perform 1 steps 9-12 at 2012 Ko Dan a Shim Sa in Ramona, Ca. Requirements for 4th Gup Green 9-10 and 3rd Gup Red Belts 11-12.
Moo Do Values In Sparring Applications - Kwan Jang NIm H.C. Hwang 6:59 1

Moo Do Values In Sparring Applications - Kwan Jang NIm H.C. ...

KJN H.C. Hwang at MWM 2012, edited video to make more viewable.
Moo Do Values in Sparring App - Part 3 0:48 1

Moo Do Values in Sparring App - Part 3

2012 Moment With The Masters Seminar - Kwan Jang Nim H.C. Hwang explains the Philosophy (Part 3) exercise of the Moo Do Value application in Sparring at the 2012 Moment With The Masters in Ramona, CA.
2005 22nd Ko Dan Ja Shim Sa 54:20 1

2005 22nd Ko Dan Ja Shim Sa

22nd Ko Dan Ja Shim Sa Ramona, California 2005
Moo Do Values in Sparring App - Part 2 1:04 0

Moo Do Values in Sparring App - Part 2

2012 Moment With The Masters Seminar - Kwan Jang Nim H.C. Hwang explains the Philosophy (Part 2) exercise of the Moo Do Value application in Sparring at the 2012 Moment With The Masters in Ramona, CA.
Moo Do Values in Sparring App - Part 1 4:40 2

Moo Do Values in Sparring App - Part 1

2012 Moment With The Masters Seminar - Kwan Jang Nim H.C. Hwang explains the Philosophy (Part 1) exercise of the Moo Do Value application in Sparring at the 2012 Moment With The Masters in Ramona, CA.
Moo Do Values in Sparring App 4:22 0

Moo Do Values in Sparring App

2012 Moment With The Masters Seminar - Kwan Jang Nim H.C. Hwang explains the History exercise of the Moo Do Value application in Sparring at the 2012 Moment With The Masters in Ramona, CA.
Bill Toomey Mr. Teaching 1 25:01 0

Bill Toomey Mr. Teaching 1

Bill Toomey Teaching 1 for 2012 KDJSS Ko Dan Ja Shim Sa
Alyssa Beck Ms Teaching 1 21:12 0

Alyssa Beck Ms Teaching 1

Alyssa Beck Teaching 1 for 2012 KDJSS Ko Dan Ja Shim Sa
John Juliano Teaching 1 22:44 1

John Juliano Teaching 1

John Juliano Teaching 1 for 2012 KDJSS Ko Dan Ja Shim Sa
Dan Candidate Basics 3:03 0

Dan Candidate Basics

130th classing Dan candidates performing required basics kicho.
Mary Ann Walsh Tribute By Joey Poppo 11:16 0

Mary Ann Walsh Tribute By Joey Poppo

Kathy and Joey Poppo Sa Bom Nims perform in memory of Walsh Sa Bom Nim at 130th Dan test (Shim Sa)
Ko Dan Ja Performance 31:43 0

Ko Dan Ja Performance

Ko Dan Ja performance during 130th Dan Shim Sa Opening Ceremonies.
1st Moo Do Festival in Tucuman Argentina 7:05 1

1st Moo Do Festival in Tucuman Argentina

TAC Tour 2011 Um/Yang Philosophy Sam Soo Sik Intro 22:21 0

TAC Tour 2011 Um/Yang Philosophy Sam Soo Sik Intro

TAC Tour 2011, introduction of the Sam Soo Sik Dae Ryun and the use of the Um/Yang Philosophy.
2012 Nationals Morning Clinics Part 2 48:03 0

2012 Nationals Morning Clinics Part 2

Kenyon SBN's clinic part 2 2012 National Festival Cherry Hill, NJ
2012 KDJ Seminar Pt 1 10:08 0

2012 KDJ Seminar Pt 1

Pt 1 Kenyon Sa Bom Nim Morning Ko Dan Ja (KDJ) Seminar at 2012 National Festival
Jennifer Resler Kyo Sa Teaching 1 31:24 7

Jennifer Resler Kyo Sa Teaching 1

Jennifer Resler Kyo Sa Teaching 1 for 2012 KDJSS Ko Dan Ja Shim Sa

3,558 results found.


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