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Andrew Cotsones KDJSS 2015-1 22:41 0

Andrew Cotsones KDJSS 2015-1

This teaching video demonstrates the use of contraction and expansion by Andrew Cotsones KDJSS 2015-1
James Patuc KDJSS 2015-1 23:07 0

James Patuc KDJSS 2015-1

Teaching video for 2015 KDJSS in Ramona, CA.
Tim Rupert KDJSS 2015-1 27:01 0

Tim Rupert KDJSS 2015-1

Theme of Shin Chook in Jok Gi, feeling the "Chook" action when retracting the kick and recovering balance. Using a Ga Ten Bal Cha Gi target drill to strike two different targets using prope...
Mary Knotts KDJSS 2015-1 24:00 0

Mary Knotts KDJSS 2015-1

Teaching video Mary Knotts KDJSS 2015-1
John Tengco KDJSS 2015-1 19:30 1

John Tengco KDJSS 2015-1

KDJSS 2015 Video Submission John Tengco
Anthony Sylvester KDJSS 2015-1 20:00 1

Anthony Sylvester KDJSS 2015-1

Teaching Video Anthony Sylvester KDJSS 2015-1
Bill Carmody KDJSS 2015-1 17:06 1

Bill Carmody KDJSS 2015-1

Bill Carmody KDJSS 2015-1
Fred Vanke KDJSS 2015-1b 5:31 0

Fred Vanke KDJSS 2015-1b

Fred Vanke Jr. (19003) Teaching video on advanced front kick with use of huri.
Fred Vanke KDJSS 2015-1 6:01 1

Fred Vanke KDJSS 2015-1

Fred Vanke Jr. Teaching a front punch using advanced huri motion.
Douglas McConnell KDJSS 2015-1 21:21 0

Douglas McConnell KDJSS 2015-1

Dan Bon 29788 Douglas McConnell Theme: In Nae (to Endure and Patience)
Emphasis: Breathing
Zak Staller KDJSS 2015-1 26:27 1

Zak Staller KDJSS 2015-1

Zak Staller's 20 min class video for Sa Dan Candidacy
Bernie Pafford KDJSS 2015-1 19:12 1

Bernie Pafford KDJSS 2015-1

2015 KDJSS Video Submission for Bernie J Pafford #44767
2015 Region 9 Adult Team Hyung Preview 3:22 1

2015 Region 9 Adult Team Hyung Preview

Chil Sung Sam Ro Hyung and Jung Jool Hyung
2015 Region 1 National Demo 1:35 1

2015 Region 1 National Demo

Tribute to past, present and future with Hyung demo
70th Anniversary Iceland Demo 0:54 0

70th Anniversary Iceland Demo

Cesar Rodriquez, Sa bom Nim, Staff form based on Pyong Ahn O Dan.
2015 Region 1 Sr. Hyung Team Preview 3:02 1

2015 Region 1 Sr. Hyung Team Preview

Region 1 Sr. Form Team submission for TAC Preview, to be deleted after Nationals.
2015 Region 6 Team Hyung Preview 2:39 1

2015 Region 6 Team Hyung Preview

Preview Video of Region 6 Youth Team Hyung 2015.

Please accept with my apologies I videoed it sideways .
-Your Jr. Gene Riggs-
2015 Region 4 Proposed Demo 3 Kick Break 0:04 1

2015 Region 4 Proposed Demo 3 Kick Break

Nationals 2015 Demonstration: Region 4 - Adam Diaz
Region 6 Festival Demonstration 3 0:42 1

Region 6 Festival Demonstration 3

Proposed Region 6 Festival Demonstration 3
Chile demonstration for the 70th Anniversary 2015 submitted by Sebastián Muñoz 3:39 2

Chile demonstration for the 70th Anniversary 2015 submitted ...

This a submission from the Designee in Chile, South America. Their demonstration for the 70th Anniversary 2015
Region 10 Youth Demo for 2015 Festival 1:24 1

Region 10 Youth Demo for 2015 Festival

R10 demonstration for 2015 U.S. Festival in Danvers, MA
Logan Duenas Ho Sin Sool Re-Examiination 1:27 0

Logan Duenas Ho Sin Sool Re-Examiination

Final Re-Examination of the back and side grabs.
Region 8 - 135th Dan Clinic - Foot Work 4:21 0

Region 8 - 135th Dan Clinic - Foot Work

Re-cap of 135th Dan Clinic” Foot Work
Re-cap of 135th Dan Classing Dan Clinic 1:19 0

Re-cap of 135th Dan Classing Dan Clinic

Re-cap of 135th Dan Classing Dan Clinic
Logan Re-Evaluation 1:20 0

Logan Re-Evaluation

These are the requested Logan Duenas Side and Back Grabs.
Region 8 - 135th Dan Shim Sa (2 of 2) 13:42 0

Region 8 - 135th Dan Shim Sa (2 of 2)

Video 1 missed Dan candidate forms. This video contains those forms from the opposite angle.
70th Demonstration - Region 3 - Australia 4:49 1

70th Demonstration - Region 3 - Australia

Region 3, Australia - submission for the 70th Anniversary Demonstrations. The Demo is repeated with the second option preferred, as it has space for kids involvement at the end.
Elliot Kopinski 2:21 0

Elliot Kopinski

Region 10 Dan evaluation
Il Soo Shik Dae Ryun

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