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Timine Matthews 1:33 0

Timine Matthews

Region 10 Dan evaluation
Chil Sung Sam Ro Hyung
One-Step Sparring COMBINATIONS for Youth Leadership Demonstration Video for 70th Anniversary Celebration - C Stinehour 0:38 1

One-Step Sparring COMBINATIONS for Youth Leadership Demonstr...

Demonstration Video submission for the Youth Leadership Demonstration at the 70th Anniversary Celebration in Korea.
One-Step Sparring Youth Leadership Demonstration Video for 70th Anniversary Celebration - C Stinehour 1:01 0

One-Step Sparring Youth Leadership Demonstration Video for 7...

Demonstration Video submission for the Youth Leadership Demonstration at the 70th Anniversary Celebration in Korea.
Jacob Schuh Il Soo Sik 1:15 0

Jacob Schuh Il Soo Sik

135th Dan Shim SA Re-Evaluations
Eli Hankey Break 0:48 0

Eli Hankey Break

135th Dan Shim Sa Re-Evaluations
Eli Hankey Basics 2:07 0

Eli Hankey Basics

135th Dan Shim Sa Re-Evaluations
Jake Schuh Break 0:23 0

Jake Schuh Break

135th Dan Shim Sa Re-Evaluations
Tobias Billow Break 0:42 0

Tobias Billow Break

135th Dan Shim Sa Re-Evaluation
Ronan Perry Break 0:42 0

Ronan Perry Break

135th Dan Shim Sa Re-Evaluation
Ronan Perry Il Soo Sik 1:03 0

Ronan Perry Il Soo Sik

135th Dan Shim Sa Re-Evaluation
Logan Ho Sin Sool Re-Examiination 1:27 0

Logan Ho Sin Sool Re-Examiination

Logan Ho Sin Sool Dan Test reexamination. Uploaded by Bud Bolan
Logan Duenas Break 0:36 1

Logan Duenas Break

Logan Duenas Dan Shim Sa Break Re-Examination. Uploaded by Bud Bolan
Cori Edlin Break 1:20 0

Cori Edlin Break

Cori Edlin Dan Shim Sa Break re-Examination. Uploaded by Bud Bolan
In Neh Re-Examination 0:58 0

In Neh Re-Examination

Cori Edlin & Logan Duenas Dan Test In Neh Re-Examination. Uploaded by bud Bolan
Cori Edlin - Logan Duenas Dan Test Re-Examinations 2:50 0

Cori Edlin - Logan Duenas Dan Test Re-Examinations

Logan Duenas and Cori Edlin Dan Shim Sa Re-Examinations. Uploaed by Bud Bolan
Region 8 - 135th Dan Shim Sa (1 of 2) 1:13:30 0

Region 8 - 135th Dan Shim Sa (1 of 2)

Candidates Demostrate at the 135th Dan Shim Sa in Midway, UT.
WMDK 70th Anniversary Demonstration - Cruz/Ahlers 1:42 3

WMDK 70th Anniversary Demonstration - Cruz/Ahlers

Various Ho Sin Sul applications from Chil Sung Hyungs, performed by Rodrigo Cruz (Region 4) and Rich Ahlers (Region 1).
Federación Mexicana de Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan 4:45 1

Federación Mexicana de Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan

Video submission for the 70th Anniversary, on behalf of Pilar Leguel, Sa bom Nim for Guzman Sa Bom Nim,
Demo proposed - Youth Leadership Program 2:42 1

Demo proposed - Youth Leadership Program

This video is from Youth Leadership Program on the World.
Our idea is to show a simple and basic form as Il su sik daeryon , and its aplication to the Moo Do Combat.
Il su sik daeryon is a basic f...
WMDK 70th Anniversary Demos - Australia Region 2 2:07 1

WMDK 70th Anniversary Demos - Australia Region 2

Demonstration by members of Region 2, Australia.
Harry Lade KDJSS Followup 2014-2b 0:56 0

Harry Lade KDJSS Followup 2014-2b

Basic Exercises -2 KDJSS Follow Up Eval
Demo Argentina 70 aniversario 5:31 1

Demo Argentina 70 aniversario

Demostración propuesta por la delegación Argentina
WMA 70th Anniversary Proposal Demo 4:01 1

WMA 70th Anniversary Proposal Demo

Demonstration consists of Dham Doi Ship E Ro forms that relate to the Yuk Ro forms and their application. It is a rough cut to give the general idea of our proposed demo.

Brian Corrales
Moo Pahl Dan Kuhm Series #1 - #8 14:15 1

Moo Pahl Dan Kuhm Series #1 - #8

#1 - #8 Standing series of the 8 Level Brocade is a set of 8 standing Nae Gong (internal) exercises designed to stretch the musculo-skeleton system as well as improve the health of the major organs. ...
135th Dan Shim Sa Adult All Rank Seminar 4:36 0

135th Dan Shim Sa Adult All Rank Seminar

Soo Gi - Flow - was the theme at Region 8's 135th Dan Shim Sa held in Midway, UT on May 2, 2015. This short video can be used as a summary of the combinations taught at the Adult All Rank Seminar.
Michael Gillespie KDJSS Followup 2014-2 4:55 0

Michael Gillespie KDJSS Followup 2014-2

2nd video of kdjss recommendations

738 results found.


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